I ndia does not believe in a hierarchical world order where a few countries are considered superior to others, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said, addressing the 2nd IndiaAfrica Defence Dialogue (IADD) at the DefExpo 2022. He invited African countries to explore Indian defence equipment and technologies, stating that India has emerged as a leading defence exporter in recent years. “We do not believe in making or becoming a client or satellite state, and so, when we partner any nation, it is on the basis of sovereign equality and mutual respect. Forging relations comes naturally to India, as we work towards mutual economic development,” he said. Africa, South East Asia and Middle East have emerged as major focus areas as India looks to emerge as a major global arms exporter. Stating that peace, security and development are interrelated, he said security is essential for enabling development in the region. “We have created a robust public and private defence industry. A defence manufacturing ecosystem has been created in India which has the advantage of abundant technical manpower. Our defence industry can work with you to fulfil your defence requirements,” Mr. Singh said. The IADD adopted a ‘Gandhinagar declaration’ as an outcome document. It proposes to enhance cooperation in the field of training in all areas of mutual interest by increasing training slots and deputation of training teams, empowerment and capability building of the defence forces of Africa, participation in exercises and humanitarian assistance during natural disasters, the Defence Ministry said in a statement. India offered fellowship for experts from African countries through Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis. Mr. Singh termed India and African countries as important stakeholders in ensuring a safe and secure maritime environment, especially in the Indian Ocean Region while reiterating India’s support to Africa to deal with challenges of conflict, terrorism and violent extremism. Later in the day, Mr. Singh inaugurated Manthan 2022, an event organised by Innovations for Defence ExcellenceDefence Innovation Organisation (iDEXDIO) of the MoD. ‘We don’t believe in hierarchical world’ Sleek chopper: The Light Combat Helicopter on display during the DefExpo 2022 in Gandhinagar. VIJAY SONEJI Defence Minister Rajnath Singh tells African nations that India can partner with them to fulfil their military requirements and contribute to training D