Sanjha Morcha


The indigenous Zorawar tanks will be designed to operate from a high-altitude area, marginal lands and island territories
NEW DELHI: The continuing war between Russia and Ukraine is delaying India’s ambitious project to manufacture Zorawar light tanks, as the war, now in its 19th month, has choked the supply chain for defence components.
Sources said the delay is due to the inability of a few foreign countries to supply critical components needed to manufacture the tanks. Foreign-supplied “electronic, electrical components and engine” are critical for Project Zorawar.
The push to make Zorawar tanks comes amid a continuing threat along the northern border with China. Light tanks are needed to address sector-specific operational requirements, sources said.
The indigenous Zorawar tanks will be designed to operate from a high-altitude area, marginal lands and island territories.
“A lightweight agile platform with a high-power-to-weight ratio and substantial firepower, protection, surveillance, and communication capabilities is essential to provide the Indian Army the versatility to execute operations in varying terrains,” a source said.
Zorawar tanks are expected to weigh about 25 tons. The Army’s MBT Arjun tank weighs around 60 tons, T-90 tanks around 48 tons and T-70 around 45 tons.