Sanjha Morcha

“Ten Commandments for Veterans”

 1. Thou shalt not start your conversation with, “In my days…”. These are not your days. Everything has changed. It is you who is out of date.
2. Thou shalt not become a ”Defence Affairs Specialist” on a tv channel (especially if you are a retired General) . If you could not improve things when you were serving, don’t tell others how to do it now.
3. Thou shalt not verbally stab each other (once again, especially if you are retired Generals) on national television. It is highly unbecoming.
4. Thou shalt not air your grievances in public. Can you think of even one instance where such actions have helped the organisation?
 5. Thou shalt not state that, ”The Army is not what it used to be” . Of course it isn’t and thank God for that . The Army, like everything else, needs to evolve with changing times.
6. Thou shalt not criticise the way that today’s Army is handling situations. You have no idea of the ground realities so just Shut upp…
7. Thou shalt not pontificate about the Army’s morale. You are doing more harm than good.
8. Thou shalt use due discretion while using the social media. Social media is for social interactions, not for projecting yourself as modern day Rommel.
 9. Thou shalt stay away from politics. If you decide to become a politician then don’t use your Army service or rank as a prop.
10. Thou shalt shed thy rank. Subordinates may have been in awe of you when you were in service, they no longer are. Lastly,learn to be hum