1. I thank all Armed Forces veterans who sent their PPOs or details of pension to enable me to prove CGDA is wrong in recommending to Min of Def (ESW) that OROP be abolished. The reasons CGDA furnished for abolition of OROP at the cost of repetition are as under:-
(a) 7th CPC equalized pension of Pre and Post – 2016 pensioners w.e.f. Jan 2016 hence OROP – 2018 is NOT required to be implemented.
(b) Notional Pay method of Pension fixation has equalized pension of Pre & Post – 2016 pensioners.
(c) OROP – 2013 has resulted in an anomaly where in the Post – Jul 2014 pensioners who do not come under OROP – 2013 get less pension than OROP pensioners. This anomaly is widespread hence OROP is to be abolished.
(d) Post – Jul 2014 Lt Cols and Brigs draw less pension compared to OROP – 2013 Lt Cols and Brigs. This information was obtained by Air Mshl SY Savur through RTI Act 2005.
2. I have requested retirees of all vintages to send me their PPOs or details of pension. Some of the pensioners have acceded to my request and sent me their PPOs or given me details of their pension. The analysis shows all the reasons furnished by CGDA are totally incorrect. My deduction is CGDA is simply misleading Min of Def (ESW) with sole aim to deny OROP – 2018. My analysis of PPOs received show me all ranks of retirees will benefit immensely by Rs 2,000 to 10,000 by OROP – 2018. Therefore, we must prove CGDA as wrong and get OROP – 2018.
3. I, therefore, need more PPOs with or without notional pay of all ranks. Sometimes the PPOs are illegible. Therefore, all those retired in the period Jan 1986 to Jun 2019 are requested to send me your PPOs especially E-PPOs. I have seen many PPOs are illegible. In addition to sending me your PPO or E-PPO, kindly give me the following information: –
(a) Service No.
(b) Rank.
(c) Name in Full as per PPO.
(d) Qualifying Service in Years and months.
(e) Date of Commission or enrollment.
(f) Date of Retirement.
(g) Pension sanctioned at the time of retirement.
(h) Notional pay as given in E-PPO.
(j) For JCOs / OR only those of Group – Y need to send me their PPOs.
(k) Your PPO or E-PPO No with suffix.
4. E-PPOs which show Notional Pay as on Jan 2016 are available in RODRA site of MP 5/6 of AGs Branch, Army HQ for Army Officers. Those Army Officers who are unable to register with RODRA and get E-PPOs are requested to contact me on phone anytime between 1900 and 2200 hrs on all days including Sundays and I shall try and get your E-PPOs.
5. All those who sent me their PPOs or E-PPOs or given me details of pension need not send them again.
6. The Min of Def (ESW) convened a Committee under Chairmanship of CGDA on 14 Jun 2019 with most of the members from DAD who will vehemently support abolition of OROP. We have only representatives of three Service HQs to place our views. Unless we are able to give hard facts to these Service HQs, we may lose OROP altogether. Time is running out for us. All Armed Forces veterans retired in the period Jan 1986 to Jun 2019 are requested to send this mail to all groups and WhatsApp Groups for faster dissemination so that I get more PPOs or E-PPOs or details of pension. I need some time to compile data and send them to our three Service representatives through Brig Kartar Singh, President, NCESMO.
7. If the Committee of CGDA recommends with their weird logic to deny us OROP, then we have no other option but to go right upto Hon’ble Supreme Court to get OROP in the future. By the time we get judgment, 50% of present retirees would have gone to their heavenly abode.
8. Please scan and send me your PPO or E-PPO and details as sought at para 3 to my e-mail id : csvidyasagar@gmail.com. Please hurry up as we have not time to lose.
Warm Regards,
Brig CS Vidyasagar (Rtd)
TSEWA- 140