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The abrogation of Articles 370 and 35 A is an epoch making decision. The article looks at the whys and wherefores and the impact of the step , which has altered the scenario at all levels, strategic, operational and tactical. Yet, it is still a work in progress


It was obvious that something momentous was about to take place in early Aug 2019 when the iconic annual pilgrimage, the Amarnath Yatra, was terminated prematurely and almost 30,000 armed policemen were rapidly transported to the Kashmir subdivision of Jammu & Kashmir (J&K). The top brass of the security forces (SF) appeared at a press brief a few days prior to inform the nation of the security situation and the threats anticipated to the pilgrimage which for the first time ever forced its premature termination. Rumours were already rife when Parliament convened on 5 Aug 2019. The moment was well chosen as timing of a path breaking decision is always significant.  Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan had met US President Donald Trump on 22 Jul 2019 and the latter had unwittingly spoken of his readiness to mediate between India and Pakistan over J&K. The apparent faux pas by the US President and the indiscreet way that the Pakistan PM perceived Trump’s offer did create the right conditions for the Indian government to set up its virtual coup in the handling of the long vexed J&K issue. Pakistan’s racing fillip in its international image because of assistance to the US to fully and finally withdraw from Afghanistan, gave rise to the perception that if the government wanted to take a major political initiative  further delay could see the emerging geopolitical situation overtake events.

With the above tide of events, on 5 Aug 2019 the Indian Government took the unprecedented step of abrogating not only Article 35A which was any way expected to go but also Article 370. It is the latter provision in the Indian Constitution which accorded the state of J&K a special status. Article 35A empowered the state to make its own laws and rules to determine who would be eligible to be a citizen of the state and thus related to property ownership rights too. Pertinent to mention here that while the decision may have been taken keeping various geopolitical considerations in mind the preparations for it had commenced fairly long ago, with all legal aspects well researched. The likely impact, however, could not easily be determined nor its international ramifications. There was talk of Kashmir virtually burning and even mainstream political leaders from the Valley had expressed dismay and threats. For the eventual decision on 5 Aug 2019 risk taking therefore was at a low level and the experience of 2008, 2010 and 2016 was drawn upon to take necessary precautions.

The Expectation

It helps in analysis to know what was expected from the government decision. Articles 370 and 35A were unnecessary because these helped Pakistan promote the idea of unfinished agenda of 1947 and existence of a so called ‘J&K Issue’. Acceptance of these special provisions at the instance of Sheikh Abdullah was done without resort to any strategic thought to the final outcome or how it would complicate the path towards resolution. The strategic victory India gained over Pakistan in 1971 could have been used to settle the J&K issue. Perhaps this understanding was an overkill of expectation because the times were different, and India may not have gained more than the optimum traction with the international community than it already had. The Shimla Agreement did end with Pakistan gaining more at conflict resolution stage than India, but the one thing India could well have done internally was to have removed the special status of J&K and placed it upon the path of full and final  integration without any special provisions constraining it.

When Pakistan unleashed proxy hybrid war in 1989-90 in J&K as a sequel to its adopted strategy of ‘thousand cuts’ to bleed India, it very well knew that the special status of J&K within the Indian Union could always be exploited to provide the Kashmir segment a sense of being a part of a disputed entity whose interests were not served while remaining a part of India. Assiduously it worked on this, but India continued to follow status quo with even some thoughts towards further enhanced autonomy as demanded by the National Conference.

In 1994, under severe pressure from various international quarters emanating from a well-coordinated Pakistani diplomatic plan India took another unprecedented step. It messaged the world about its intent on J&K. The 22 Feb 1994 Joint Parliamentary Resolution, involving all political parties, clearly stated that the entire territory of J&K including that portion not under India’s direct control, once held by the erstwhile ruler, belonged to India and that it would aspire and work for its return to Indian control. However, it could have been more than just the tactical step it became in projecting India’s stance to the international community when severe pressure was being felt under US initiative. An abrogation of the constitutional provisions for special status at that stage may have pegged India’s claims more handsomely but those were tentative times in terms of India’s strategic confidence. The four years of discussions through back channel diplomacy on Musharraf’s four point formula through 2004-07 diluted the 1994 Joint Parliamentary Resolution to some extent. From 2008 onwards a fresh strategy was adopted by the Separatists and Pakistan’s deep state. It harped upon the combination of terrorist activity, street turbulence, promotion of alienation, enhanced focus on violent extremism (including radical religious belief) and internationalization. The Indian state’s only strategy was counter violence and lip service to engagement with the population especially the youth. Several times the security situation on ground improved, elections were held even at the grass roots (panchayat and municipal level) but empowerment at the lower levels remained elusive. The political and security stabilization could not be taken to the next level of higher integration primarily due to the absence of any initiatives or major efforts at de-alienation and de-radicalization.

My personal take was that a certain degree of risk would have to be undertaken and that the best Indian solution lay in following the approach adopted in 1994; political consensus on removal of the special provisions would ensure the isolation of the Separatists. Pakistan’s efforts to resist this in the streets would be handled with some hiccups but the international domain would hold steady once all parties were on board.

In the absence of any political consensus and a much divided polity the government settled for unilateral action which could be approved democratically through Parliament. That met the need of international approval. However, perhaps what emboldened the government to take the risk was the action it had taken over two years in attempting to dismantle the eco-system set up in Kashmir by the Pakistan deep state and the Separatists – a system which remained outside the ambit of conventional anti-terror operations.

Targeting the Eco system

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) had reported to Parliament that in first six months of 2019 the situation in the state of J&K has witnessed improvement with terror related incidents seeing a 28% decline, infiltration reduced by 43%, local recruitment declined by 40% and neutralization of terrorists increased by 22%. To a casual observer this should have been a time for celebration with deduction that the back of the resistance and the support from Pakistan had both been effectively neutralized. To an experienced practitioner it was time to analyze deeper to see what it would take to sustain the apparent stability achieved. The results were due to a combination of Operation All Out which commenced in 2017, and the focused targeting of parts of the eco-system. A terror based ‘Proxy War Ecosystem’ is the nexus of politics, media, and shady third sector organizations. It may include NGOs, lawyers, academics, intellectuals and bankers.

The eco-system is too complex to be taken apart all at once as there are  linkages within linkages. Its constituents are firstly the human resource elements; the terrorists or those who have picked up the gun or been paid to do so. Second is the financial networks and conduits without which no violent movement can sustain for long. Without deep pockets no terror related separatist and anti-national movement can survive, and finances come from clandestine sources through a plethora of means. Third is the network of over ground workers (OGWs) who are the visible face as against the invisible face of the terrorists who act covertly; businessmen, government servants, lawyers, academics, media personalities and even politicians. They provide the wherewithal to fuel the movement and in many cases are organized in a structured way dealing with propaganda, rabble rousing and helping muster crowds. The fourth aspect is ideology which fuels the mind, creates visions such as those of caliphate, increases alienation and helps create greater affinity with Pakistan. In the current case the ideological intent of Pakistan and the separatists has been to dilute the middle path of Sufi belief and promote the more radical philosophy of organizations such as Ahle Hadith.

This eco-system in Kashmir has had ways of sustaining and growing even when there is a break from violence. It’s the system one encounters everyday if you live in Kashmir. However, it’s not something which can easily be targeted and more importantly without convergence of interests between the centre and state. It’s also the system through which Pakistan calibrated the situation. It’s only about two years ago that finally the NIA was tasked to go after these networks. The NIA has no doubt done some excellent work, but the system is just too deep rooted and extremely well etched for it to be made ineffective so soon. The decision to go after the OGWs, target the financial and other networks and disallow the separatists the space to function by emasculating them has been the hallmark of the last one year. It cannot easily be statistically reported, especially when it is work in progress. However, its weakening has ensured that along with detention of the usual rabble rousers and deployment of armed police in larger numbers the scope for organization of street protests dwindled almost immediately. The area where more effort over an extended period of time needs to be placed is counter radicalization.

The impact of the decisions of 5 Aug 2019 may be felt in many domains but primary among them are internal security, the LoC, governance, political environment of J&K and international opinion.

Internal Security

In the field of internal security, it is yet early to predict although preceding the decision care was taken to tighten loose ends which could trigger disturbances instigated by separatists. A fear existed that the response of the mainstream polity could also be unpredictable. Although distasteful, detentions took place as precautionary on the basis of past experience when Kashmir had seen major turbulence in the streets in 2008-10, deliberately instigated by exploiting triggers. Again in 2016, post the killing of Burhan Wani the streets went on fire, the separatists were hugely emboldened and the public fear of the army and police vanished, with deliberate breaking of curfew and large scale deaths and grievous injuries in the streets. The use of pellet guns by the police led to several people being blinded drawing an international furore against alleged human rights violations; exactly what the separatists hoped for. This time with lessons well learnt Kashmir was evacuated of tourists and other non-Kashmiris well before to avoid any reprisals which could have led to an unstoppable spiral against Kashmiris around the country jeopardizing all the gains of the decision taken by the government. Of course, this entire exercise could have been done differently in a different context; by a government campaign over several years, to explain the benefits of full integration without awkward conditions, to the people. That became impossible due to the ongoing proxy war sponsored by Pakistan and the disinformation campaign it so astutely played out through the ISPR. The risk of efforts towards consensus appeared to be perceived as potentially compromising on secrecy.

Threats to internal security are all based upon public perception, politics and instigation from Pakistan. Thus far peace has prevailed with partial and progressively diluting population control measures in place and only partial withdrawal of communication services with no attempts at breaking of curfew. The protest industry of Kashmir sponsored by Pakistan, directed by the separatist leaders and led in the streets by increasingly younger men and some women needs a system to be in place; it is not on auto mode. This eco-system had taken several years to create and extended down to the tehsil and even block levels. It included the universities, faculties of schools and colleges, media owners and prominent journalists, bank officials and hundreds of non-descript, low profile people working as OGWs. The best example to understand this is the speed and alacrity with which the Baramula-Kupwara road can be closed to Army convoys running logistics to maintain the troops at the LoC. An accident, a small act of misdemeanour or even the killing of a high profile terrorist could be used to stall movement and commence stone throwing for a couple of days. Efforts by security forces and agencies to neutralize the OGWs always seemed to come to naught. Thoughtfully, from 2017 this system was targeted by the government from Delhi and later directly under Governor’s rule. It is too complex to be undone in a hurry and will need several years of professional effort to take it down.

It was not possible to achieve full neutralization in the time available but the separatists were isolated and their hold over the system weakened. The test of this will emerge once normalcy is gradually introduced in greater measure. However, indicators are already available. With clandestine financial networks dented money may not find its way into hands of instigators; preventive detentions have as it is reduced their nuisance potential on the streets. In the event of the government strategy not working, there are enough forces on ground to cater for contingencies; the outcome then will be unpredictable but the chances of that appear bleak.

Internally the other threat is mainly from IEDs because that is one domain where a determined terror module may sneak past all security and create havoc of very serious proportions; recalling Pulwama and the attack on the J&K Assembly in 2001.

Effect at LoC

The LoC will be active in spurts. It has not reached any anticipated level yet because Pakistan is on hold due to pending external factors. Among them it is hopeful of the FATF decision, US dependence on it for continued talks with Taliban and expected tranches of the IMF loan. Usually around the time when the Pakistan PM or other representative addresses the UN General Assembly activity at the LoC is ratcheted to higher levels to project chances of war between two nuclear armed states. It has made up for that through its high pitched rhetoric on possibility of nuclear war.

The LoC, however, may have been comparatively quiet in relation to exchanges of fire and ceasefire violations but infiltration attempts have gone up manifold. These are directly linked to the intent of increasing terrorist capability and numbers in Kashmir and to make up shortfalls in leadership. It is expected that some regular Pakistan Army cadres may also infiltrate to provide the elusive leadership particularly in North Kashmir which has been uncharacteristically quiet for some time.


With administrative reorganization leading to Union Territory (UT) status for J&K it is expected that development through better governance will become an important aspect for future narratives. More direct oversight on various projects will hopefully curb corrupt practices and ensure delivery of authorised funds to the right quarters. The large outlay of central assistance to J&K must continue and the impact of better governance through balanced allocations must be palpable across the UT. This by itself will make a major difference in perception and communicate India’s strong desire to see prosperity in J&K.

To really qualify for a landmark decision the constitutional and administrative changes must deliver quality governance and that too in a very short time. A couple of things will be needed early enough and I am not rooting for restoring of the electoral process in that time frame. The return of Kashmiri Pandits must be discussed with their leadership and ways of ensuring this in an environment of existing mistrust must be sought.

Political Activity

It is important to restore political activity in J&K to involve the people and overcome the trauma of the perceived lockdown. This will prove to be the most challenging task ahead as it is yet to be determined how mainstream political parties are going to emerge from the events of this period. There is a perception that Panchayati Raj will step in to take the place of mainstream political activity, with more direct empowerment of the people. This can only remain a hope because getting such activity off the ground is unlikely to take place in a hurry. A level of rapprochement with mainstream political parties or the creation of alternatives is a must but both have their constraints. A period bereft of political activity may emerge akin to 1990-96 but without Separatist politics being allowed to rule the roost. This is a domain where greater credibility will need to be garnered for better international endorsement. Electoral activity in the true sense appears some distance away. Therefore, an elected government taking charge anytime in the future seems unlikely.

International Implications

On the international plane the impact has been positive across the international community and even China although initially negatively disposed has chosen not to be excessively vociferous. India cannot take its undoubted diplomatic success for granted even after the session of the UN General Assembly where PM Narendra Modi will speak. The diplomatic pressure on Pakistan must be maintained relentlessly through not just diplomacy but by direct outreach to intellectual communities in other important countries, particularly in the Middle East, US, UK and ASEAN countries.  Chinese President Xi Jinping visits India in a few weeks. That opportunity must be used to drive home to China how stability in J&K contributes to its interests, especially when there is restiveness in Xinjiang.

What India needs to be mindful about is the fact that while its undoubted international status is at a high there is no permanence in international support. Pakistan’s diplomatic and information based efforts have for a change come cropper but it has managed to throw up the J&K issue internationally even if it has not gained traction in support of its cause.


There is much talk that the only pending issue of the J&K problem is the extension of India’s control over PoK. While it is a good psychological tool to brow beat Pakistan with, the reality of this happening anytime soon is not evident. PoK technically includes Gilgit-Baltistan, a region not most effectively in Pakistan’s control but of immense strategic importance to China due to the presence of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and proximity to the Chinese territory of Xinjiang. For Pakistan all this extends into the domain of existential threats. It is far more sensible to focus on the full and final integration of the territories under India’s control even while the pressure on Pakistan is maintained in relation to PoK.

The Hearts and Minds Game

The one aspect which security managers in India need to be concerned about is the enhancing alienation and angst evident in the population in Kashmir. While many assume (and it is not entirely wrong) that there is a silent groundswell of support for India it is the element which is alienated which rules the roost. In this regard it may be advisable to extend the Indian Army’s military civic action (MCA) project, Operation Sadbhavana to a much higher level of engagement of the public at the strategic level. The MCA project is an essential part of any counter insurgency campaign and has achieved some impact. Involvement of the full government machinery in a typical counter hybrid proxy war campaign, with an ‘all of government’ approach may be the answer; the concept thereof will need much larger think through.

Overall, the momentous decisions of 5 Aug 2019 have altered the scenario at all levels, strategic, operational and tactical. Yet, this is still work in progress. Resting on laurels of a fine decision won’t deliver. There is many a mile to go before we sleep.


Air Force conducts full dress rehearsal ahead of 87th IAF Day

Air Force conducts full dress rehearsal ahead of 87th IAF Day

Indian Air Force’s Sarang helicopters perform aerobatic stunts during rehearsals for the 87th Indian Air Force Day celebrations at Hindon Airbase, Ghaziabad. PTI

New Delhi, October 6

The Indian Air Force on Sunday conducted a full dress rehearsal, including air drills of both vintage aircraft and modern fleet, at its Hindon base for the 87th IAF Day on October 8.

The air display will commence with flag-bearing sky divers of the famous Akash Ganga team dropping out of an AN-32 aircraft in their colourful canopies, an Air Force official said.

The flypast would include vintage and modern transport aircraft and frontline fighters, the official added.

The ceremony will conclude with a spell-binding aerobatic display.

Every year, the Air Force Day is celebrated at Hindon base in presence of IAF chief and senior officials of the three armed forces.

The IAF was founded on October 8, 1932, and the force has participated in several crucial wars and landmark missions. — PT

IAF prepared to destroy any target indicated by govt’: Chief of Air Staff

Operational preparedness will be the key focus area of Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Singh Bhadauria. “Ramping-up operational preparedness, improving serviceability of the fleet, acquiring more technology will be my priority,” Chief of Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Bhadauria said when asked about his priorities as head of the IAF. Not only is the Indian Air Force short of fighters, but serviceability of its fighter fleet has also been a major cause of concern. The IAF has been battling a lack of spares and delays in maintenance.

Asked whether IAF had the capability to hit terror training camps in Pakistan, the Air Chief said, “We in the IAF are always prepared to meet any contingency that these challenges may pose against the defence of our nation.” Air Chief Marshal Bhadauria also said, “I am confident to take-up any threat and fight a full spectrum war.”

“I am speaking theoretically. We do not start an attack, we do not plan like that. If they (Pakistan) do anything, then we will respond according to the orders given by the government. Whatever be the targets given to us by the government, they will be taken care of,” Air Chief Bhadauria said when asked whether the force can take out 40 terror camps operating in Pakistan simultaneously. “The IAF is prepared to deal with any eventuality although there is no separate plan for Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. We have plans for everything,” the IAF Chief said.
Importantly, the Air Chief said that new secure communications inducted by the Indian Air Force will now ensure that communications cannot be jammed. Inquires, into how Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman continued to chase Pakistani fighters on February 27 – when the Pakistan Air Force had launched a counter-attack– had revealed that radio communications between the fighter control and fighters had been jammed by Pakistan.

The Air Chief also said that India will not be looking to import any platforms or equipment. For 5th generation fighters, IAF is “not looking” at foreign manufacturers, Air Chief Bahadauria said. The IAF is putting all its energies into the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) of the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, he said. The 114 fighters IAF is acquiring is also through the “Strategic Partnership” route and will be made in India.


Trouble for Kamal Nath as 1984 riots witness deposes before SIT

Trouble for Kamal Nath as 1984 riots witness deposes before SIT

Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath. — PTI

New Delhi, September 23

In more trouble for senior Congress leader and Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath, Mukhtyar Singh, a witness in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots case, appeared before the Special Investigation Team (SIT) to record his statement.

Singh arrived at the SIT office in south Delhi’s area of Khan Market and shared the details of the incidents that took place with the SIT members. This was for the first time that Singh appeared before the three-member SIT team to record his statement.

After coming out of the SIT, Singh said he cannot reveal what he told the SIT as the matter was under investigation.

According to sources, Singh apprised the SIT members consisting of a senior IPS officer, a Deputy Commissioner of Police and a retired District and Sessions judge. The case pertains to the killing of Sikhs in Gurdwara Rakabganj on November 1, 1984 by a charged mob.

On September 9, the Union Home Ministry has given its nod for reopening the case, as a result of which Kamal Nath will face a fresh inquiry for his alleged role in the massacre of Sikhs in the aftermath of then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s assassination in New Delhi on October 31, 1984.

Kamal Nath was an accused in the case initially, but the court had found no evidence against him. The 72-year-old veteran Congress leader and a Gandhi family loyalist, is facing trouble as London-based journalist Sanjay Suri has also expressed readiness to depose in the case. Suri had written to the SIT on September 15 asking it to give him the appropriate time and date to appear.

Suri’s letter was shared by Shiromani Akali Dal leader Manjinder Sirsa on Twitter. The SIT is likely to consider fresh evidence against the veteran Congress leader, which allegedly mentions that he had instigated a mob near the capital’s Gurdwara Rakabganj during the 1984 riots.

The Modi government had set up the SIT in 2015 to probe the 1984 riots.

Pressure on Kamal Nath has been building since last year after the conviction of Sajjan Kumar in the same case by the Delhi High Court. Kumar, after the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on October 31, 1984, was accused of inciting and orchestrating mob violence against the Sikh community across Delhi. — IANS

Only 2 disputed spots along LAC in Ladakh

Only 2 disputed spots along LAC in Ladakh

in 2016, India, China carried out first joint military exercise in Ladakh.

Ajay Banerjee
Tribune News Service
New Delhi, August 7

China’s reaction to Ladakh becoming a Union Territory seems to be stemmed from the un-demarcated 823-km frontier. In reality, there are only two spots along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) recognised as disputed by India and China.

Another half-a-dozen spots along the LAC have troops patrolling as per their perception of the LAC, however, not a bullet has been fired since November 1962 in Ladakh. The difference in ‘perception’ is between 2 and 20 km at various points, hence the dispute.

“The reaction of Beijing was to make an on-record diplomatic protest as Aksai Chin, the north-eastern corner of now bifurcated state of J&K, is claimed by India even as China is in illegal custody,” said a senior functionary in the know of matters related to China.

China characterised the move as “unacceptable” and asked New Delhi to avoid actions that unilaterally change the status quo.

In Delhi, observers in the South Block point out there are only two disputed areas along the LAC. One is at Trig Heights located in the north-eastern edge of Ladakh and the other is Demchok, the south-eastern edge. Besides, tensions brew occasionally as both sides carry out patrolling along the northern edge of Pangong Tso (lake), Sppangur Gap, Kongka La, Chumur, Mount Sajun and Samar Lung pa. All these matters are being dealt at the level of the Special Representatives for boundary talks.

In 2016, the two countries carried out their first-ever joint military exercise at a tactical level in Ladakh. In September 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, after a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, proposed the LAC demarcation on ground to end the dispute.

Historically, the frontier of Ladakh with Tibet has never been demarcated. The British took control of J&K in 1846 after defeating the Sikh Army. The British proposed boundaries — five separate ones in 1846, 1865, 1873, 1899 and 1914, China rejected each of them.

Major Alexandar Cunnigham, who was part of the British attempt in 1846 to demarcate the boundary, details this in his 1854 published book ‘Ladak Physical, Statistical and Geographical’. He narrates “The settlement of this boundary (between Ladakh and Tibet) was one of some importance”.

The existing LAC partially adheres to the 1873 British ‘foreign office line’ and is considered the most realistic on the internationally accepted principle that the water shed will decide the boundary. India’s point is the LAC lies along the alignment where its troops were in 1962 before the war commenced


India asks Pak to claim intruders’ bodies; Islamabad denies incursion

India asks Pak to claim intruders' bodies; Islamabad denies incursion

The Army had repulsed a major attempt by the Pakistan’s Border Action Team. Tribune file

Ajay Banerjee 
Tribune News Service
New Delhi, August 4

The Indian Army has offered the Pakistani Army to take over the dead bodies of its troops that are lying inside the Indian territory near Keran in north Kashmir.

The Pakistani Army has been offered to approach with a white flag and take over the dead bodies for last rites.

The Army had foiled an attack by Pakistan’s Border Action Team (BAT) on a forward post along the Line of Control (LoC) in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district on Saturday, killing five to seven intruders. The BAT generally comprises special forces personnel of the Pakistani Army and terrorists.

The bodies are lying close to the Line of Control (LoC).

Defence sources said the bodies may possibly be of Pakistan’s SSG commandoes.

On Friday, Chinar Corps Commander Lt General K J S Dhillon had said according to available intelligence reports, all the launchpads in Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir are full and infiltrators attempting to enter Kashmir.

This year, despite Balakot airstrikes, the infiltration has not stopped from across. Sources said over 30 militants managed to sneak into J&K till May-end.

A senior Army official said Pakistan has desperately attempted to push terrorists belonging to JeM and other outfits into Jammu and Kashmir over the last few days. “The response by security forces vindicates the build-up in the hinterland,” he said.

The Pakistan Army has, meanwhile, denied the Indian claim about action by Pakistani army regulars and militants across the Line of Control and that their bodies were lying on the Indian side.

Pakistan Army spokesman Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor on Saturday night denied the Indian claim as “mere propaganda” and said India was “trying to divert attention of the world form the situation of Kashmir.”

Similarly, the Foreign Office also issued a statement at about mid-night to reject the claims by India.

“We reject Indian allegations of cross-LoC action by Pakistan and possession of bodies,” FO said. — With PTI inputs


North Korea fires two ballistic missiles which fly 250 km: Seoul

North Korea fires two ballistic missiles which fly 250 km: Seoul

Kim Jong Un. AFP file

Seoul, July 31

Pyongyang fired two ballistic missiles on Wednesday, Seoul said, days after a similar launch that the nuclear-armed North described as a warning to the South over planned joint military drills with the United States.

The two devices were fired from the Wonsan area on the east coast at dawn and flew around 250 kilometres (155 miles), said South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“We stress a series of missile launches do not help ease tensions in the Korean Peninsula and urge the North to refrain from such acts,” they said in a statement.The North is banned from ballistic missile launches under UN Security Council resolutions but it was the second such firing in less than a week, despite a meeting between leader Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump last month.

Pyongyang and Washington are engaged in a long-running diplomatic process over the North’s nuclear and missile programmes that has seen three high-profile encounters between their leaders in the space of a year.They agreed to resume talks during their impromptu June encounter in the Demilitarized Zone that divides the peninsula, but that working-level dialogue has yet to begin.

Pyongyang has warned the negotiations could be derailed by Washington and Seoul’s refusal to scrap the annual manoeuvres between their forces.

The North has defied years of isolation and sanctions to develop its arsenal and has not given up any of its weapons, while proving itself adept at dragging out discussions.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters that the talks were taking “a little bit longer” than expected to start.

There was no immediate comment from Pyongyang on the latest launch, but Harry Kazianis of the Centre for the National Interest in Washington said it was a warning to the two security allies to stop the exercises “or we will continue to show off our own offensive military capabilities and raise tensions to a slow boil over time”.

The North would carry out more launches before the drills begin next week and again afterwards, he predicted. AFP


Soldiers lighting lamps at the Kargil War Memorial in Drass on Thursday. President Ram Nath Kovind will be at the memorial to attend the Vijay Diwas celebrations on Friday. SRINAGAR: President Ram Nath Kovind will join the Kargil Vijay Diwas celebrations on Friday in Drass town of the Kargil district.

According to official sources, the President, supreme commander of the armed forces, will arrive in Drass town on Friday to attend the 20th anniversary of the Kargil victory.

“State governor Satya Pal Malik, chief of army staff General Bipin Rawat, air chief marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa and the chief of naval staff admiral, Karambir Singh, will receive the President on his arrival,” an official source said here.

A ‘Victory Flame’ lit by defence minister Rajnath Singh on July 14 at the National War Memorial in Delhi will be received by the army chief in Drass on Friday.

It will be merged with the eternal flame at the Kargil war memorial.

If India chooses F-21, it will plug into ‘world’s largest fighter plane ecosystem’: Lockheed Martin

Lall said the demand from India will create long-term value for F-21 fighter jets.

  • The global demand for F-21 aircraft, of course, would be fuelled from India
  • The top contenders for the deal include Lockheed’s F-21, Boeing’s F/A-18, Dassault Aviation’s Rafale, the Eurofighter Typhoon

NEW DELHI: US aerospace giant Lockheed Martin on Tuesday said its offer of F-21 fighter jets is a very robust ‘Make in India’ proposition and if the country goes for the deal it will be “plugging into the world’s largest fighter plane ecosystem”.

Vivek Lall, the vice president of Strategy and Business Development for Lockheed Martin, said the initial demand from India is for 114 aircraft, but expressed confidence that over time, it will continue to grow.

“Participation in the global production is what the F-21 has to offer,” he said.

The global demand for F-21 aircraft, of course, would be fuelled from India, he said at the 2019 Supplier Conference organised by Lockheed Martin and Tata group here.

In April, the Indian Air Force issued an RFI (Request for Information) or initial tender to acquire 114 jets at a cost of around $18 billion, which is billed as one of the world’s biggest military procurement in recent years.

The top contenders for the deal include Lockheed’s F-21, Boeing’s F/A-18, Dassault Aviation’s Rafale, the Eurofighter Typhoon, Russian aircraft Mig 35 and Saab’s Gripen.

Lall said Tuesday their strategic partner is Tata and the collaboration is an engagement to build an ecosystem that is not just of few players.

Lall said the demand from India will create long-term value for F-21 fighter jets.

“What is very key and important is the after sales support…We have over 3000 F-16s flying all across the world and that ecosystem is the largest one in the world.

“So, when we talk about modifications and upgrades, spares, support equipment etc – this is really plugging into the world’s largest fighter (plane) ecosystem as India looks into its long term needs,” he said.

He said the firm is looking for a long-term partnership and asserted that F-21 is unique for India for various reasons.

“It is a very robust Make in India proposition,” Lall said. He said that the company has got in touch with over 200 companies in India till date and the “list” of such companies keeps getting bigger.

If Lockheed Martin gets the contract for the jets, the F-21 ‘Make in India’ would happen in a phased manner, he said.

He said the F-21 platform has over 130 different types of configurations with weapons that have been integrated over time and is the most versatile with respect to new weapons integration.

“Specific weapon capability will depend on the customer and what they want. Post the award of contract, there is a phased production plan. The RFI (Request for Information) mandates certain planes to come in a flyaway condition and then we would be going into various phases of production as more and more indigenous content comes on board,” he said.

The idea of this suppliers conference is to get everyone together over a three-day period and make sure that executives from US can have a dialogue with the Indian industry, he said.

Lall had told PTI in May that Lockheed Martin will not sell its newly rolled out F-21 fighter jet to any other country if India places an order for 114 planes, in an offer aimed at pitching itself ahead of its other US, European and Russian competitors for the mega deal.

3 Army officers’ plea for promotion junked

Vijay Mohan

Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, July 10

The petitions of three Major Generals who had moved the Armed Forces Tribunal against their non-empanellment for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant General have been dismissed.

With this, the stay imposed in May on promoting officers to the rank of Lieutenant General has also been vacated.

In its orders today, the Tribunal’s Bench comprising Justice Virender Singh and Lt Gen Philip Campose upheld the results of the Special Promotion Board (SSB) that had considered the officers for promotion.

Three officers of the 1983 batch of the general cadre, Maj Gen SC Mohanty, Maj Gen Sudhakar Jee and Maj Gen ML Mohan Babu had mover the Tribunal after they were not empanelled for promotion by the SSB held in October 2017.

According to earlier court orders, they were subsequently given redress related to their Annual Confidential Reports and they had sought directions from the Tribunal that they be considered for promotion as special review (fresh) case as per the old promotion policy, which was in vogue during their consideration by the Board held in October 2017. A new promotion policy for Generals had been introduced in December 2017.

Considering their plea, the Tribunal directed the Army to convene a review promotion board before June 21 and consider the officers for promotion as per the old policy.

After perusing the records of the case and scrutinising the proceedings of the SSB, the Tribunal concluded that there was no irregularity or abnormality in the promotion results. According to one of the counsels, the petitioners reserve the right to move the Supreme Court against the AFT’s judgment.

Not empanelled 

Three officers of the 1983 batch of the general cadre, Maj Gen SC Mohanty, Maj Gen Sudhakar Jee and Maj Gen ML Mohan Babu had mover the Tribunal after they were not empanelled for promotion by the SSB held in October 2017.