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141 more Colonel posts for 5 batches, not six: SC Clarifies order on Army promotion policy

Legal Correspondent

New Delhi, July 14

The Supreme Court today clarified that the newly-created 141 additional posts of Colonel in the Army should be offered to five batches from 1992-97, not six batches (1992-98).A Bench headed by Chief Justice TS Thakur passed the order on a petition by some officers, complaining that the Army was not properly implementing a judgment delivered by the SC on February 15 for redressing combat support units’ grievances arising from the Command Exit Policy for promotions.“You were generous in creating the posts, but miserly in offering these. It is a clear case of misinterpretation of our order. If you had any doubt, you should have come to us, instead of deliberately misinterpreting it,” the Bench told Additional Solicitor General Maninder Singh at today’s hearing.The Bench had, in its February 15 ruling, endorsed the promotion policy meant for reducing the age profile of the commanding officers and achieving optimal combat effectiveness as suggested by Ajay Vikram Singh in the light of the 1999 Kargil war.“There is nothing perverse, unreasonable or unfair about the policy that the age of officers serving in Combat Arms and Combat Arms Support will be lowered by creating additional vacancies to be allotted on Command Exit Model,” the court had ruled, directing the government to create 141 additional posts of Colonel to be allocated to the Combat Support stream.

Pakistan’s foreign policy: Liberals vs realism

The strategists with a liberal mindset towards geo-politics have been marginalised in Pakistan. It is this current policy that has led to the growing isolation Pakistan faces at the international level.

Pakistan’s foreign policy: Liberals vs realism
Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Ashraf Ghani, President of Afghanistan after signing a trilateral agreement in Tehran. PTI

The Pakistani state’s strategic outlook is a classic case of the tail wagging the dog. Security policy drives overall foreign policy rather than the other way round. The establishment has spearheaded this agenda. One reason the prevailing strategic paradigm seems under no real pressure is the increasing irrelevance of “strategic liberals” (I am referring to strategists with a liberal view on geopolitics, not liberals writ large). Given their knowledge of strategy and liberal orientation within this domain, one would expect them to spearhead the challenge to the status quo. The state has been myopic in keeping them at bay. But they haven’t done themselves any favours either. The Pakistani liberal discourse on strategy tends to present the realist framework as something of an anathema. Realism personifies the “if-you- want-peace, prepare-for-war” mindset. States tend to be realist beings — those in conflict zones more than others. They see logic in defining national interest in hard security terms and manoeuvring to secure themselves as they see fit — irrespective of normative concerns like morality of their choices. The liberal paradigm challenges this mindset on multiple counts — generally the least effective in influencing policy is what I see Pakistani strategic liberals employ the most: declaring this mindset paranoid, self-contradictory, immoral, etc. (Western policy discourse on Pakistan often takes this line as well).They are not wrong. Taken too far, realism leads to these perversions. And the establishment has developed somewhat of a habit of living dangerously close to this zone. Yet, while a challenge merely pointing to these fallacies and highlighting liberalism’s normative superiority may be powerful for public intellectuals of liberal leaning, it does little to effect realist policy minds. Not in Pakistan, not anywhere else. Achieving this requires engaging the state’s brand of realism in its specific context and highlighting how it may be undermining its self-defined “national interest”. It is about talking realism and presenting realist alternatives to the status quo, but ones that proximate liberal outcomes. Take the example of the regional policy debate in Pakistan. The liberal pushback against the establishment’s outlook argues that: (i) the state must not interfere in Afghanistan’s affairs if we expect others not to do the same to us; (ii) the state should promote regional economic integration to improve Indo-Pak ties; and (iii) we should not use militant proxies against neighbours because of the instability it creates. All undisputable on normative grounds. But a hard-core realist would calculate otherwise: (i) will my opponent not gain if I stop interfering in Afghanistan? India has favourable geography with all other regional countries. Why should I not take advantage of my geography vis-à-vis Afghanistan to outmanoeuvre it in this theatre? (ii) Trade with India is my bargaining chip. If I give it up, I’ll lose leverage and my core interest in Kashmir would be permanently compromised. (iii) Am I the only one using proxies? Isn’t this a game that goes on in South Asia and elsewhere?How does one anchor in liberalism while engaging realism? By explaining that Pakistan’s current strategic outlook is not realist, it is “hyper-realist” (an example of realism gone wrong); it defies the two most cardinal principles of realism: the costs of your policy choices must match your capacity and resources; and policy outcomes must be in line with your self-defined goals. (i) Afghans see Pakistani policies negatively. The sentiment has made it politically beneficial for Kabul to reach out to New Delhi, increasing the latter’s manoeuvring space in Afghanistan, precisely the opposite of what the establishment wants; (ii) engaging regionally on the economic front will increase, not reduce, Pakistan’s leverage over India. Any deal that makes Pakistan the transit route for energy, trade, or transport that a sizeable part of the Indian population depends on will strengthen Pakistan’s bargaining position. And (iii) proxies are directly responsible for much of the internal militant chaos Pakistan has faced since 9/11. Pakistan’s capacity and resources no longer allow use of this tool, irrespective of how others may be approaching the option. Overall, Pakistan’s current policy has led to its growing isolation in the region — the Indo-Iranian-Afghan clique being the latest example. This is self-inflicted. Of course, my intent is not to dismiss either Pakistan’s legitimate security concerns or the intrinsic value of the liberal public discourse. But separately, neither is optimal. Pakistan’s foreign policy would gain tremendously if the two sides were to speak more directly and constructively to (instead of past) each other. The state can help create this space by making the strategic liberals feel more welcome — for starters, by stopping the ridiculous trend of declaring naysayers unpatriotic or anti-national. And the liberals would do themselves a favour by stepping out of their social media echo chambers and recognising how irrelevant they have become. By arrangemnt with the Dawn

Hard times for Nawaz

Hard times for Nawaz
Paper-tiger: A plan is afoot to destabilise the Sharif government.

PUBLIC attention is now focused on what one sees as blatant efforts by Pakistan to foment terrorism and violence in J&K. While dealing with this, New Delhi has to carefully monitor internal developments in Pakistan. Returning home after a bypass surgery in London, Pakistan’s beleaguered Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif must be preparing for difficult times ahead. Even prior to his departure for London, Mr Sharif had to suffer the pretensions of his ubiquitous army chief Gen Raheel Sharif, who actedpretentiously with Pakistanis and visiting foreign dignitaries alike. General Sharif sought to convey that he was the de facto head of government and at the very least, a co-equal of the Prime Minister.With the Prime Minister convalescing in London, the army chief summoned virtually the entire Cabinet, including the hapless defence minister Khwaja Asif, to the GHQ in Rawalpindi. He then read out the riot Act to the ministers nominally led by finance minister Ishaq Dar, holding charge in Sharif’s absence. The army chief then informed the entire Cabinet what he believed needed to be done on a series of issues, commencing with the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. General Sharif also reportedly dwelt on the conduct of international relations, with focus on the US, India and Afghanistan. Significantly, interior (home) minister Chaudhry Nissar Ali Khan was spared this humiliation.Mr Sharif can take no consolation or comfort at his interior minister being spared humiliation. Nissar Ali Khan is known to have prime ministerial ambitions and is a protégé of the army. Faced with relentless pressure from the army to undermine and eventually remove him, Mr Sharif was trying to mend fences with Asif Ali Zardari, so that the PPP would not join a “remove Sharif” bandwagon. Sensing this, Chaudhry Nissar jumped into the fray to launch a tirade against Mr Zardari and his Peoples’ Party, causing Mr Zardari to threaten to retaliate politically. While General Sharif has sworn that he has no intention to continue after his term ends on November 30, Mr Sharif knows that like Generals Zia, Musharraf and Kayani, General Sharif would love an extended four-star tenure! He could achieve this by totally discrediting and weakening Mr Sharif, or even having him replaced by someone like Chaudhry Nissar, or the army’s favourite, Imran Khan.In these circumstances, Mr Sharif’s major focus of attention will lie on how to manage the intrigues and challenges posed by his army chief, at least till November 30. The effort to destabilise him will revolve around the “Panama Gate” revelations, involving Panama bank accounts of his two sons who live in London, and his daughter Maryam who is evidently being groomed to succeed him. While this issue can be managed in parliament, especially with PPP support, Mr Sharif knows that the army will create circumstances through Imran Khan and people like Canada-based cleric Tahir-ul-Qadri, to destabilise him. Moreover, the army has made it clear that it will play the lead role in implementing the much-touted China-Pakistan corridor and will, in any case, give very little space to the Prime Minister on relations with the US, China, India and Afghanistan.  This, combined with the army’s propensity to undertake military operations within Pakistan, without governmental or parliamentary approval, will inevitably seek to reduce Mr Sharif to a mere figurehead.Domestic problems alone, however, are not the only challenges Mr Sharif faces. Less than a week before his return, four Iranian border guards were killed in clashes along Iran’s border with Baluchistan. The Iranians were clearly displeased with the conduct of Raheel Sharif during the visit of President Rouhani to Pakistan. In the meantime, tensions along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border have been ratcheted up, following clashes at the Torkham crossing point along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. Both armies reportedly used heavy weaponry and took casualties in these clashes. Quite clearly, Pakistan wishes to use these developments to compel Afghanistan to formally recognise the Durand Line as the international border, by also threatening to force the return of 1.5 million Afghan refugees residing in Pakistan since the 1980s.The Afghans have clearly no intention of pandering to Pakistani ambitions. While visiting Afghanistan recently, the veteran Pakistani Pashtun nationalist leader and chief of the Awami Milli Party, Mehmood Khan Achakzai, shot back, saying he would not allow anyone to harass the refugees in their own land “because it also belongs to them”. He asserted that Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province “belongs” to the Afghans and they can live there without fear or invitation. He added that if Afghans are harassed in other parts of Pakistan, they could come to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. His  comments rocked Islamabad. It was the first time in recent years a Pashtun leader had challenged the legitimacy of the Durand Line as the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. He also asserted that the traditional border extended up to Attock on the banks of the Indus, and includes parts of Baluchistan.Pakistan media’s paranoia about Iran and Afghanistan is growing. Obviously, based on ISI briefings, sections of the media are alleging cooperation between the intelligence services of Afghanistan and Iran to assist Baluch national leaders in their “freedom struggle” against Punjabi domination, with Achakzai acting as the facilitator. It also appears that the Americans are going to look the other way. But given the fact that the Afghan Taliban, which has publicly not taken any view on issues like those raised by Achakzai is dependent on Pakistan’s support, it is inevitable that the ISI support to it will continue, raising the hackles of the Afghan government. Pakistan’s western borders are set to become even more volatile. China now remains Pakistan’s only supporter on its border.Can India expect any relief on cross-border terrorism because of these developments? While General Raheel Sharif is no fundamentalist, he passionately loathes India. His uncle and brother lost their lives in conflicts with India in 1965 and 1971. Institutionally, the Pakistan army uses tensions with India to wield unchallenged influence in Pakistan. In these circumstances, there is little that Mr Nawaz Sharif can deliver on issues like trade, economic cooperation and terrorism. While responding firmly to Pakistan-sponsored terrorism, New Delhi should realistically remember that the prospects for moving forward in relations with Pakistan are bleak at present

ओआरओपी के किन बिंदुओं पर असहमत हैं पूर्व सैनिक

ओआरओपी के किन बिंदुओं पर असहमत हैं पूर्व सैनिक

केंद्र सरकार द्वारा पूर्व सैनिकों की मांगें स्वीकार किए जाने के बावजूद उनका रोष शांत नहीं हुआ है। दिल्ली के जंतर मंतर पर आंदोलनरत इन सैनिकों की शिकायत है कि संसद में खुद प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने जो वादा किया था उसे पूरा नहीं किया गया है। भगत सिंह कोश्यारी कमेटी की सिफारिशों को लागू नहीं किया गया है। इनका मानना है सरकार जिस ओआरओपी की बात कर रही है वह अधूरी है, जिसे वे नहीं मानेंगे। उन्होंने सरकार को लगातार पत्र लिखे हैं,लेकिन अभी तक किसी का जवाब नहीं आया। इससे निराश होकर चंडीगढ़ आर्म्ड फोर्स ट्रिब्यूनल में याचिकाएं दायर कर दी गई हैं। हाल में विदेश राज्य मंत्री वीेके सिंह ने बताया था कि ओआरओपी का करीब 95 प्रतिशत भुगतान किया जा चुका है। प्रश्न उठता है कि फिर कहां कमी रह गई है कि इन सैनिकों को आंदोलन जारी रखने और याचिकाएं दायर करने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ा। दोनों पक्षों में समन्वय की कहां कमी रह गई है ?

यह मांग कुछ महीनों की नहीं,बल्कि चार दशकों से की जा रही है। पिछले साल मोदी सरकार ने इसे लागू करने के न्यायिक समिति गठित की थी। पटना हाईकोर्ट के रिटायर्ड चीफ जस्टिस एल नरसिम्हा रेड्डी को इसका अध्यक्ष बनाया था। वन रैंक वन पैंशन यानि ओआरओपी की मांग कर रहे ये सैनिक किन कारणों से दिल्ली के जंतर मंतर पर जुट गए। उन्हें क्यों ऐलान करना पड़ा कि वे अपना आंदोलन और तेज करेंगे।  पूर्व सैनिक क्या चाहते हैं सरकार को उनसे बातचीत करनी चाहिए।

गौर करना होगा कि यह व्यवस्था अंग्रेजों के समय में चली आ रही है। पूर्व सैनिकों की पैंशन वेतन की करीब 80 प्रतिशत होती थी जबकि सामान्य सरकारी कर्मचारी की 33 प्रतिशत हुआ करती थी। भारत सरकार ने इसे सही नहीं माना। वर्ष 1957 के बाद से पूर्व सैनिकों की पैंशन कम कर दी गई और अन्य क्षेत्रों की पेंशन बढ़ती रही। देखा जाए तो पूर्व सैनिकों की पेंशन की तुलना सामान्य सरकारी कर्मचारियों से नहीं की जा सकती। सामान्य सरकारी कर्मचारी को 60 साल तक वेतन लेने की सुविधा मिलती है, वहीं सैनिकों को 33 साल में ही रिटायर होना पड़ता है। उनकी सर्विस के हालात भी अधिक कठिन होते हैं। पूर्व सैनिक चाहते हैं कि 1 अप्रैल 2014 से ये योजना छठे वेतन आयोग की सिफरिशों के साथ लागू हो। यदि असली संतुलन लाना है तो उन्हें भी 60 साल की आयु में रिटायर किया जाए। वे 33 साल में ही रिटायर होने के बाद सारा जीवन केवल पैंशन से ही गुजारते हैं। ऐसे में उनकी पैंशन के प्रतिशत को कम नहीं करना चाहिए।

इन सैनिकों की परेशानी यह है कि 1 जनवरी 1973 से पहले जवानों और जेसीओ को वेतन का 70 फीसदी पैंशन के रूप में मिलता था। उस समय सिविल अधिकारियों के वेतन की 30 फीसदी पैंशन मिलती थी। इसे बाद में 50 फीसदी कर दिया गया, जबकि फौज के जवानों की पेंशन वेतन के 70 फीसदी से घटाकर 50 फीसदी कर दी गई। सरकार को स्पष्ट करना चाहिए कि उसने यह कदम क्यों उठाया? इन सैनिकों का कहना है कि 1973 के बाद सशस्त्र सेनाओं पर कोई विशेष ध्यान नहीं दिया गया। सरकार को बताना चाहिए कि वह क्या कर रही है।

रक्षा मंत्रालय की वन रैंक वन पैंशन योजना को चंडीगढ़ आर्म्ड फोर्स ट्रिब्यूनल (एएफटी) में चुनौती दी गई है। एक ही दिन में ओआरओपी के खिलाफ कुल आठ याचिकाएं दायर हुईं। मामले की सुनवाई कर रही बेंच ने रक्षा मंत्रालय को नोटिस जारी कर जवाब मांगा है। केंद्र सरकार की ओर से नोटिफिकेशन जारी होने के बाद यह पहली बार हुआ है जब किसी ट्रिब्यूनल में वन रैंक वन पेंशन को चुनौती दी गई हो। इससे जाहिर होता है कि कहीं न कहीं कमी छूट गई थी जिससे पूर्व सैनिक असंतुष्ट हैं। इनमें से कई पैंशनरों की उम्र करीब 80 से 90 की साल है। उम्र के इस पड़ाव में ये परेशानी के जिस दौर से गुजर रहे हैं उसे समझा जाना चाहिए।

ध्यान देना होगा कि यूपीए सरकार ने फरवरी 2014 में वन रैंक-वन पेंशन योजना की घोषणा की थी। अंतरिम बजट में इसके लिए 500 करोड़ रुपए का प्रावधान भी किया था। इसके बाद लोकसभा चुनाव में वह सत्ता से बाहर हो गई। नरेंद्र मोदी ने भी सितंबर 2013 में अपनी एक रैली में वादा किया था कि अगर उनकी पार्टी की सरकार बनी तो इस योजना पर तुरंत अमल होगा। एनडीए सरकार का जुलाई 2014 में पहला बजट आया। इसमें 1000 करोड़ रुपए इस योजना के लिए रखे गए। मोदी सरकार को सत्ता में आए दो साल होने वाले हैं,क्या कारण है कि पूर्व सैनिकों की समस्या का पूरा हल नहीं निकल पा रहा है।

The Pakistan puzzle:::::::::::: Vivek Katju

The Pakistan puzzle
Dead End: Nawaz Sharif is being increasingly constrained.

OVER the next few weeks, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his advisers will have to take a hard look on how to proceed with India-Pakistan bilateral relations. The first decision to be taken relates to Home Minister Rajnath Singh’s visit to Islamabad for the SAARC home ministers’ meeting to be held on August 4. Confirming that the meeting is being held, External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup cautiously said Singh’s visit was under consideration. Even if Rajnath Singh travels only for the SAARC meeting, the media focus will inevitably be on India-Pakistan ties. It is customary for a visiting SAARC minister to meet his host bilaterally on the sidelines of the meeting. Thus Singh could hardly avoid meeting Pakistan interior minister Nisar Ali Khan. Such an interaction, even if it is brief, will overshadow everything else. During and after such a meeting, the main issues of bilateral contention — the lack of progress in the Mumbai attack trials, Pakistan’s silence on the Pathankot attack even after the JIT trip to India, increased levels of infiltration in J&K and the Kulbhushan Jadhav concoction — would acquire renewed salience. If India avoids a Rajnath Singh-Nisar Ali Khan bilateral meeting, it would only profile that relations are at an extremely low ebb. On account of these considerations, Modi will need to take a comprehensive view on what he wishes to do with Pakistan. Besides, with the SAARC Summit to take place in Islamabad in November, questions will also inescapably be raised about Modi’s participation in it. As Modi considers his Pakistani policy, he would cast an eye on the Pakistani scene. His counterpart PM Nawaz Sharif, with whom he has struck a positive chord, has substantially weakened both physically and politically. He is recovering from an open heart surgery. While it has been successful, it will take an inevitable toll, reducing Sharif’s energy at a time when he needs to be in prime vigour to extricate himself from the Panama Papers quagmire. The opposition parties led by Imran Khan have smelt blood and have stymied Sharif’s moves. The supreme court chief justice has declined to establish a court inquiry under the present rules. Above all the army, subtly but effectively, has put Sharif on the mat by hinting at the need for probity in public life.Already controlling Pakistan’s security and sensitive areas of its foreign policy, especially concerning India, army chief Gen Raheel Sharif has reinforced his larger-than-life image. He is by far the most popular and trusted public person in the country. Raheel Sharif’s term comes to a close in November. To end speculation if he will insist on another three- year period, an official announcement was made at his behest some months ago that he will retire in November. Some knowledgeable Pakistanis, including retired generals, had emphasised then that this was likely as Raheel Sharif was unlikely to take any step that would cast a shadow on the heroic image of his family. That public respect has been earned by his maternal uncle and brother, both of whom were posthumously awarded Pakistan’s highest gallantry awards in wars against India. However, doubts are now emerging about his intentions as nothing has been heard about his retirement for many months now. Even if Raheel Sharif goes, his successor, even one handpicked by Nawaz Sharif, will continue to follow the army’s basic negative approach to India.In a recent interview, Modi alluded to the Indian dilemma in dealing with two separate power centres in Pakistan. Expectedly, Pakistani spokespersons stressed that the country’s institutions act as one. This is also the mistake that Indian policy makers made in the closing months of 2015 when they thought that the Pakistan army was in agreement with Nawaz Sharif’s ostensible desire to open up with India. The Pathankot attack halted that process. Thus it is all to the good that Modi has now realised the true nature of Pakistan decision making on India. It is always prudent for an Indian Prime Minister to be conscious that in dealing with his Pakistani counterpart he is not doing business with an equal but with an interlocutor controlled in large measure by the generals. Pakistan is repeatedly calling on India to begin the Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue process that was agreed between the two countries last December. The two foreign secretaries were to meet to work out its modalities. The Indian position is that it is awaiting concrete action by Pakistan on the Pathankot attack. India has stressed that Pakistan has not denied the involvement of its nationals. This is true but it has so far not acknowledged that fact. Interestingly,  in a recent weekly briefing, the official spokesperson did not refer to India’s demand for an NIA team’s visit to Pakistan. It is also noteworthy that while he recalled India’s request for consular access to Kulbhushan Jadhav, he did not link it to the resumption of the dialogue process. The central point is that the government has not given any clarity on what it expects Pakistan to do. Is it that it expects it to arrest some individuals and prosecute them? If so, in what courts, civil or military? These are important issues, for India’s objective has to be to ensure that the Pathankot does not go the Mumbai way. If in the quest to defreeze relations, it will be a pity if India does not show resolve on Pathankot and the Kulbhushan Jadhav matter. It will only add to the Pakistani generals feeling that India under Modi can be pushed, as it was during earlier dispensations.There are a few other points that Modi needs to consider. Pakistan is on a high for it feels that it has been instrumental, through China, in preventing India from succeeding on becoming a NSG participating state at Seoul. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will add to the cement of the relationship. Despite the recent downturn in the US-Pakistan ties, the China factor will make the generals more obdurate on India. Modi wishes to expedite SAARC integrative processes. This is a legitimate aspiration but past experience has shown that SAARC has not contributed to South Asian integration because of Pakistani intransigence. The sub-regional processes undertaken by India offer the way, even if partial, to give SAARC more teeth.Perhaps the prudent course would be to go ahead with Rajnath Singh’s Islamabad visit and a meeting with Nisar Ali Khan. During this meeting, the Indian message should be firm and unrelenting. It can also be spelt out that the Prime Minister’s participation in the SAARC Summit would depend on Pakistan meeting all of India’s concerns.The writer is a former Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs

Burhan Wani’s killing dents Kashmir’s new militancy

Burhan Wani’s killing dents Kashmir’s new militancy
Burhan Wani

Azhar Qadri

Tribune News Service

Srinagar, July 8

Burhan Wani’s six-year-long journey from a teenage boy who left home in 2010 to the most wanted militant ‘commander’ in the Kashmir valley brought ‘glamour’ to the region’s militancy.Wani (21) was killed in a gunfight in the Kokernag area of south Kashmir this evening. The first image of his corpse showed his bloodied face.His killing has dented new-age militancy as it will be hard for it to find a new poster boy whose images and videos can become instantly viral across the region.Wani joined militants in October 2010 and operated in the forest of Tral sub-district. A resident of Sharifabad locality of Tral, Wani was initially tutored by his cousin and militant ‘commander’ Adil Mir.He was made ‘commander’ of militants following Mir’s killing in 2014. He instantly became the face and voice of a new generation of Kashmir’s militants which relied little on Pakistani backing and counted heavily on local support.Wani made a mark on insurgency by introducing its largely anonymous and underground ranks to the public through social media.Wani’s image first got leaked into the public domain in May 2013 when a militant, mistaken to be him, was killed in a forest near south Kashmir’s Tral sub-district.The accidental leak of his images made Wani the poster boy of insurgency. For the past three years, he made its optimum use. His images and videos gave militants a new face and a new voice and generated sympathy and support for them.Last year, Wani made a video statement in which he imitated the style and monologue of global ‘jihadi’ groups and called for establishment of a caliphate.He featured in pictures with other militants, images which became viral in the age of social media and gave a new lease of life to militancy.Wani is believed to have led very few militant attacks himself, but his social media presence made him the most known face in Kashmir.From October 2010 to July 2016, Wani survived nearly six years as a militant, changing the dynamics of militants that looked hard for security agencies to reverse.


Restrictions imposed in Srinagar areas

  • Srinagar: The administration has decided to impose restrictions in old Srinagar and volatile Maisuma localities on Saturday to maintain law and order situation in wake of killing of militant commander Burhan Wani. Deputy Commissioner Farooq Lone said restrictions would be imposed in areas falling under jurisdictions of six police stations, including Rainawari, Nowhatta, MR Gunj, Khaniyar, Safakadal and Maisuma. — TNS

Omar says ‘disaffected’ have got ‘new icon’ in Wani

Omar says 'disaffected' have got 'new icon' in Wani
Omar Abdullah. PTI photo

Srinagar, July 9

Former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said on Saturday that Kashmir’s “disaffected” found a “new icon” in Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani and voiced fears that his death could lead to more youngsters being radicalised.

“Mark my words — Burhan’s ability to recruit into militancy from the grave will far outstrip anything he could have done on social media,” Abdullah wrote on microblogging site Twitter.

“After many years, I hear slogans for ‘Azadi’ resonate from the mosque in my uptown Srinagar locality. Kashmir’s disaffected got a new icon yesterday,” the National Conference leader said.

People assembled in Tral — Wani’s hometown — in Pulwama district for Wani’s funeral.

The former chief minister said on Friday that Wani was not the first, nor will he be the last, to take up arms, so long as the Kashmir problem remained unresolved.

“For all Burhan’s social media activity I don’t recall any militancy incident attributed to him while I was in office. Not sure after that,” said.

Wani, considered to be Hizbul Mujahideen’s most prominent face, was among the three militants security forces shot dead on Friday in Anantnag’s Kokernag. — PTI

Lashkar-e-Toiba, Hizb working in tandem in south Kashmir

Suhail A Shah

Anantnag, July 8

The recent uptick in militant attacks, particularly in the south Kashmir region, might be due to Hizb-ul-Mujahideen and Lashkar-e-Toiba cadre working in close coordination, believe security agencies.There have been some audacious attacks in June along the Anantnag-Srinagar stretch of the national highway. Thirteen security force personnel, including eight CRPF men, three BSF personnel and two members of the Jammu and Kashmir Police, have been killed in the three attacks carried out in Pampore, Bijbehara and Anantnag town. As many as 22 personnel of the CRPF were also injured.The Pampore attack , which was most gruesome of the three and probably one of the biggest-ever in the Kashmir valley in terms of casualties, was later claimed by Lashkar-e-Toiba; the Bijbehara attack by Hizb and the Anantnag attack was traced to Lashkar. Despite separate claims for attacks, security agencies believe the militant outfits are working in an absolute tandem, at least, in south Kashmir.A senior police official, on condition of anonymity, said they had inputs that meetings between the cadre of Lashkar and Hizb had taken place before every attack to finalise the modalities and chalk out strategy.“They have planned every attack together and have provided each other logistics and in some cases even manpower,” the police official said.He said Lashkar commander Abu Dujana, who took over after Abu Qasim was killed last year, had been instrumental in bringing the two outfits together. Dujana is thought to be the mastermind of many attacks, including Pampore on June 25.Security forces came across one such meeting of the militant outfits on June 30 in Pulwama district, a day ahead of Home Minister Rajnath Singh’s visit to the Valley. Two militants, including a local and a foreigner, were killed during the gunfight that followed.South Kashmir region has a total of around 60-65 militants presently operating within the five police districts, including Kulgam, Pulwama, Anantnag, Awantipora and Shopian.Only 17 of the total are Lashkar cadre, seven of them foreign nationals.Officially Anantnag and Shopian do not have any Lashkar cadre. However, the June 5 attack on policemen in Anantnag stands testimony that the militants cross over to other areas to strike.“They operate from different areas under different aliases, particularly the non-locals. Obviously they are provided support by the locals active in that particular area regardless of the outfit,” said a police official from Kulgam district which has highest number (five) of Lashkar men active.

The Abu Dujana link

  • Despite separate claims for recent attacks, security agencies believe the militant outfits are working in an absolute tandem, at least, in south Kashmir
  • Police have inputs that meetings between the cadre of Lashkar and Hizb took place before every attack to finalise the modalities and chalk out strategy
  • Lashkar commander Abu Dujana, who took over after Abu Qasim was killed last year, has been instrumental in bringing the two outfits together, said a police official



OROP Pension Discrepancies:

Details of Nodal Officers of respective PSA
Nodal Officers:

In case of any doubt relating to revision of pension in terms of these orders, PDAs may immediately take up the matter with Nodal Officers of the respective PSAs by name as under:-

For commissioned officers

Army: Shri. R.B.Sharma, Sr. AO(P)
O/o the PCDA (P) Allahabad- 211014
Phone – 0532-2421877 Extn. 144
Email –

Navy: Smt Vandana Shetty, Sr. AO
O/o the PCDA (NAVY), Mumbai- 400039
Phone – 022-22696139
Email –

Air Force: – Shri Ravinder Grover, Sr. AO
O/o the JCDA (Air Force) New Delhi- 110066
Phone – 011-25695012

For JCOs/ORs

Army: – Shri S.C. Saroj, Sr. A.O(P)
O/o the PCDA (P) Allahabad- 211014
Phone – 0532-2421877 Ext. 206
Email –
Authority  pcda circular 555



TIME             : 9 A.M ONWARDS




That July 4th Gen V.P. Malik (retd) The capture of Tiger Hill was a turning point

That July 4th
Tiger Hill regained: Though picturesque, dominating and difficult, Tiger Hill is a war symbol to every Indian

Seventeen years ago, on July 4-5, 1999, the Indian army fought and won a magnificent battle victory during the Kargil war. There were two turning points in the Kargil war: the capture of Tololing which started the ‘turn in the tide’ and the back-to-back capture of Tiger Hill and Point 4875. Although Point 4875 was tactically more important, it was the capture of Tiger Hill which caused a physical and psychological blow to Pakistan and the ‘end in sight’ for us. Tiger Hill is 5,062-metre-high with sharp conical features and stands majestically among the mountaintops a few kilometres north of Dras. One cannot miss it, or help admire it, as one drives along National Highway 1A (NH 1A) from Zojila to Kargil. During the Kargil war, it was a delight for photojournalists as it provided some of the best pictures of that war. From Tiger Hill, the enemy (one company of Pak 12 Northern Light Infantry) had a clear view of NH 1A from Dras to Bhimbat, and the road leading to Marpola on the Line of Control (LoC). They could effectively interdict vehicular movement on these roads with observed artillery fire. We were clear that unless Tiger Hill and Point 4875 (located 2 km to its South-West) were secured, movement along NH 1A will never be safe. Although Point 4875 was closer and dominated a larger stretch of NH 1A, Tiger Hill occupied by the enemy was more difficult to climb and assault.In the second week of May, 1999, 8 Sikh moving from Udhampur to the Kashmir valley was diverted to Dras. On arrival, the Brigade Commander launched the unit into battle without acclimatisation and snow clothing to clear Tiger Hill. The unit suffered heavy casualties in its attempt to get close to the objective. It was then ordered to occupy dominating heights in the vicinity in the area called ‘Parion ka Talab’. No further attempts were made to capture Tiger Hill for the next six weeks till we were able to clear the approaches and fully ready for it.On June 27, 1999, I visited HQ 8 Mtn Div and 56 Mtn Bde at Dras. That evening, 2 Raj Rif was preparing to attack Three Pimples, another very difficult feature west of Tololing. After GOC, 8 Mtn Div, Maj Gen Mohinder Puri briefed me on the ground situation, I asked him about his next objective. He told me that after a few days, 192 Mtn Bde will attack Tiger Hill and Point 4875. The attack on Tiger Hill was to precede the attack on Point 4857 by a day so that enemy attention would be diverted from the latter more strongly held objective. That I thought was a sound decision. Tiger Hill extends about 2,200 metres from west to east and about 1,000 metres north to south. The main extension is towards west on which there are two prominent protrusions. The first, approximately 500 metres west of Tiger Hill, had been named ‘India Gate’. The second, another 300 metres to the west, was called ‘Helmet’. 18 Grenadiers along with 8 Sikh, which were already in the area, were tasked to capture Tiger Hill on the night of July 3-4, 1999. They were provided a team of the High Altitude Warfare School, adequate artillery, engineer and other support. The Air Force could easily identify the prominent conical shape of Tiger Hill. It engaged the objective on July 2-3, 1999, and was able to score many bull’s eyes in its missions.The multi-directional infantry assault began at 1900 hours on July 3, 1999, with direct and indirect firing by artillery and MBRLs. 8 Sikh provided the firm base and engaged the enemy from ‘obvious’ approaches as part of a deception plan. 18 Grenadiers moved towards the objective from the south and north east. The weather assisted the battalions in achieving surprise. Lt. Balwan Singh led the Ghatak Platoon of 18 Grenadiers on the most difficult, north-eastern approach. His Platoon made use of ropes to reach the top at 4.30 hours and totally surprised the enemy which had already suffered due to heavy artillery shelling and air attacks. In the ensuring hand-to-hand fighting, the enemy lost 10-12 personnel. 18 Grenadiers suffered six fatal casualties. Grenadier Yogendar Singh Yadav, who was in the lead on the rope and wounded badly, earned India’s highest gallantry award of Param Vir Chakra. The Ghatak Platoon with some reinforcements firmed in on the Tiger Hill top but came under enemy fire from the Western Spur. Brig Bajwa, Commander 192 Mtn Bde, quickly moved a company of 8 Sikh to occupy India Gate and Helmet. It was reinforced by another company of 18 Grenadiers. On the morning of July 5, the enemy launched a fierce counter-attack led by two officers. One, Capt Kamal Sher fought gallantly and was killed. Later, he was awarded Pakistan’s highest gallantry award when we returned his body to Pakistan.In New Delhi, I remained anxious all night till Lt. Gen Krishan Pal, GOC 15 Corps, rang up at 0600 hours on July 4, 1999, to inform me that 18 Grenadiers had reached the Tiger Hill top and heavy fighting was going on. After consulting him and the Director General Military Operations, we decided to wait for confirmation from Maj Gen Puri. At 0730 hours, Puri spoke to me and confirmed that the enemy would not be able to dislodge 18 Grenadiers from the Tiger Hill top. By then the Defence Minister was on his way to Amritsar. When he landed at Amritsar airport, I gave him this exciting news. I also informed the Prime Minister, who was to address a public meeting in Haryana at 10 am.July 4, 1999, was an important date. Despite heavy commitments of Independence Day, President Clinton had agreed to meet Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan, who had conveyed desperation in wanting to meet. The meeting was to take place in the evening –early morning of 5th July in India. We made sure that the whole world got to know about the capture of Tiger Hill and thus, the likely outcome of the Kargil war.That was a hard psychological blow for the Pakistan army. Initially, it tried to deny the existence of Tiger Hill and labelled the entire operations as a figment of the imagination. But with Indian media beaming live war pictures into drawing rooms, that kind of fooling was no longer possible. The Indian victory made Pakistanis realise the writing on the wall. In India, there was a wave of jubilation and relief in the mood of the people! — The writer is a former Chief of the Army Staff


It was post 1971 and the nation was euphoric. Our countrymen were lauding the Indian Armed Forces for a spectacular victory that had changed the geography of the sub-continent. The nation was savouring the victory and more than 97,368 prisoners were in our Prisoners of War Camps. It was the second largest surrender in the Military History; second only to the surrender of Gen Von Paulus, German, 6th Army at Stalingrad in the Second World War. The Armed Forces were feted everywhere for its courage and the people were convinced that it was one instrument that would never let the country down.
Amidst this euphoria there were 4000 families, who had lost their fathers/sons/husbands in the war. Another 10,000 were wounded and maimed for life. They were picking up the lost threads of life to continue their journey in the forbidding world. However their sorrow was lost amidst the mirth, laughter and jubilation of victory.
Unknown to the services a band of bureaucrats were conspiring as to how to cut the Armed Forces to size. Defence Secretary was Mr K B Lal, who was literally there for the entire duration of the Third Pay Commission. He was the one, who provided the inputs to the Third Pay Commission. The Commission was constituted a year before the war and concluded two years after the war. It’s final recommendation marginalising the Armed Forces was made public two months after Fd Marshal Manekshaw relinquished the post of Chief. Indeed it was a clever move as the most popular person in the country was not able to take cudgels against the government. This Pay Commission cut the Armed Forces to size for winning the war for the country. Even Fd Mshl Manekshaw was not spared; more of it later. ‘Ingratitude unkinder than the winters wind’ to adopt Shakespearean phrase to an ungrateful government. How did the Government go about the act?
Firstly they abolished a separate Pay Commission for the Armed Forces and formulated an equivalence between the Armed Forces and Civilians. It was here that the Pay Commission struck its vilest blow when they considered that ‘a trained infantry soldier with three years of service is below a skilled labour. Little do they know that it is the infantry soldier who does the actual fighting and charges the enemy with naked bayonet literally on the very front edge of the battle and makes eye and steel contact with the enemy. He is the one who bears the brunt of more than 90% of casualty in all wars and yet he was considered the lowest strata to base their comparison. It also means that the infantry soldier with less than three years’ service was considered an semi-skilled/unskilled labour? Just mark the irony of the sinister and ignorant move? Rest of the soldiers were equated based on this preposterous formulae?
Next step was to reduce the percentage of pension for the Armed Forces. The OROP that was effective till 1972, was annulled after the third pay commission. A soldier then served only for 15 years and went on pension at the ages ranging from 33 years to 36 years of age. In view of this, his pension was 70% of his basic pay and an officers pension was 50% of his basic pay as the bulk of them retired at 50 years of age. The civilian counterparts were getting only 30% of their basic pay as pension. Please note they served till they were 58 years of age (now 60 years) and the soldiers retired a quarter century earlier. The wretched Third Pay Commission did not consider the additional 25 years of service his civilian counterpart served and raised their pension to 50% and reduced a soldiers pension from 70% to 50% in order to achieve the so-called parity. Further the government put mandatory 33 years of service for full pension fully knowing that the soldier then retired after 15 years of service. They further as a largesse made a seemingly generous gesture to the Armed Forces by pegging the mandatory service for full pension (50%) to 25 years. Just look at the clever move; fully knowing that the soldier retired after 15 years of service. Thus the soldier in effect got only 30% of pay after 15 years of service, as extrapolated from full pension of 50% of pay with 25 years of service. Thus the Government ingeniously cut a soldiers pension from 70% to 30% of pay at the same time enhancing the civilian pension from 30% to 50%. Look at the perfidy; how can possibly a Government run down her own Armed Forces? It is indeed a remarkable feat from a nation that was a slave nation for over two centuries, yet disregards her Armed Forces who ensure her hard earned freedom?
Our Defence Ministry were hand in glove with the proposals. There was not a whimper of protest to set right the injustice. The soldiers had to pay heavily for having won the war for the country. Their travails were not over; more was yet to come!
One would wonder why the soldiers did not protest against the brash injustice perpetrated on them? It would be difficult to believe, as those were the times the officers in particular were told that politics and pay were not to be discussed. They were naïve and had full faith in the government that in the long run; no injustice would be done to them? The disarming naivety of our officers appear incomprehensible now; but it was true then. Hence the entire master stroke of cutting the armed forces to size by impoverishing them was done with so much of dexterity, it took us couple of decades to realise its negative impact.
Mrs Gandhi was feted and was called ‘Durga’ and she basked in the limelight of victory and self-adulation. However, she proved to be the daughter of her illustrious father by sharing the same antipathy and disdain towards the Armed Forces. She was a smart women hence concealed it to a great extent with outer façade of support and derived maximum political mileage of the victory. The running down of the Armed Forces in the Third Pay Commission could not have been done without her active and positive consent?
Their next target was the most popular figure in the country Fd Marshal Manekshaw. He was made a Field Marshall and the appointment is active for life, though ceremonial in nature. A Field Marshall does not retire and continues to wear his five star rank for life. He was entitled to Pay and Allowances for life. The bureaucrats who were literally jealous of his popularity ensured that he did not get his pay and allowances; low and behold! for the next 36 years, and finally a lump sum of ₹ 1.60 crore of arrears was released to him on intervention by then President Abdul Kalam. A non-descript bureaucrat gave him his pension dues on his deathbed in Jun 2007 a few days before he breathed his last. Isn’t it a national tragedy? Don’t you sometimes feel whether the country deserves selfless service from its soldiers? Can any country on this earth be more ungrateful towards her soldiers than ‘Mother India? What a great victory for the MOD for destroying the soldiers pride?
Let us now analyse as to why a soldier fights? Why does he give his life for a cause? What makes him charge through a fusillade of bullets and splinters against sure death and injury overcoming the instinct of self-preservation? Why is he prepared to make his ultimate sacrifice and bid goodbye to the world? Why does he not think of his loving wife, his innocent children, his aged parents and the living world of mirth and bliss; knowing he has not even spent a quarter of his life? Why all his near and dear ones pale in to insignificance and he sees only his mission like Arjuna only seeing the eye of the bird? All these questions can be answered in two words; His Pride.
It is his professional pride that make him a hero. He wants to be a hero before his comrades; before his superiors, in his unit and in his country. He is a hero of his village and hero in front of his parents. He is a hero to his wife and a super hero to his children. He also knows he is the last bastion of the nation and he is the last trump card in the hands of his nation. He knows that if he fails the nation fails. It is this emotion that drives him towards mission accomplishment. It is all the way Pride! Pride! And Pride. It is nothing else but ‘Pride’.
Sad to say; it is exactly that the Governments of his own country wants to deprive him of? He has been badgered, humiliated, impoverished and made a laughing stock in all the successive pay commissions. His status has been lowered time and again by an insensitive government. How can noble thoughts like sacrifice, mission, cause, patriotism and pride be ever understood by self-serving, sly and scheming bureaucracy? A soldiers pride has taken a beating and believe me sir! It would be a long and painful time to build it again?
Mr Prime Minister! Before you forget history; In Jun 1932 President Herbert Hoover, the 31st President of US ordered firing on the veterans of First World War for demanding the promised bonus. Two veterans were killed and several injured. Herbart Hoover lost the election with a devastating defeat and has gone down in history as a lack lustre President. The Great Depression may have contributed to his rout but the firing on veterans brought him great disrepute. Mr Prime Minister! You are certainly made of a better stuff than Herbert Hoover?
Enough has been said of ‘OROP’ and nothing more needs to be said about it. Supreme court has granted it and parliamentary committee has approved it. Not a single political party has opposed it but it is still undone? For the past 70 days agitation is on and brute force of police has been unleashed on them. Dear Prime Minister! I hope you have seen the sad picture of a proud veteran trying to fight his tears and another veteran whose shirt with medals torn asunder withstands the criminal use of force against him with quiet dignity and equanimity. It is still not too late to make amends.
Reminds me the words of Edmond Burke “ Invention is exhausted, Reason is fatigued, Experience has given its judgement but Obstinacy remains unconquered”. Mr Prime Minister ! I believe you have still the ability to overrule small minions around you, who do not have the nation in their heart and are bent upon the murdering the ‘ Pride in a Soldier’. Remember ‘Soldiers’ Pride is Nation’s Security’. You kill his pride; you endanger the nation’s security.

Pay Scales for PBORs of Armed Forces


Pay Scales for PBORs of Armed Forces



Post Pay Band Grade Pay Military Service Pay# X Group Pay *
Sepoy 5200-20200 2000 2000 1400
Naik 5200-20200 2400 2000 1400
Havaldar 5200-20200 2800 2000 1400
Nb Sub 9300-34800 4200 2000 1400
Subedar 9300-34800 4600 2000 1400
Sub Major 9300-34800 4800 2000 1400

Air Force

Post Pay Band Grade Pay Military Service Pay# X Group Pay *
AC/LAC 5200-20200 2000 2000 1400
Corporal 5200-20200 2400 2000 1400
Sergeant 5200-20200 2800 2000 1400
Jr Warrant Officer 9300-34800 4200 2000 1400
Warrant Officer 9300-34800 4600 2000 1400
MWO 9300-34800 4800 2000 1400

Navy (X-Group)

Post Pay Band Grade Pay Military Service Pay# X Group Pay *
Apprentice 5200-20200 2000 2000 1400
Artificer – V 5200-20200 2400 2000 1400
Artificer – IV 5200-20200 2800 2000 1400
Artificer III – I** 9300-34800 3400 2000 1400
Chief Artificer 9300-34800 4200 2000 1400
MCPO – II 9300-34800 4600 2000 1400
MCPO – I 9300-34800 4800 2000 1400

Navy (Y-Group)

Post Pay Band Grade Pay Military Service Pay#
Seaman II /  I 5200-20200 2000 2000
Leading Seaman 5200-20200 2400 2000
Petty Officer 5200-20200 2800 2000
Chief Petty Officer 9300-34800 4200 2000
MCPO – II 9300-34800 4600 2000
MCPO – I 9300-34800 4800 2000

Pay Matrix Table for Central Government Employees

Pay Matrix Table for Defence Personnel


Pay matrix table-6
Matrix Defence Personnel 3 to 5Matrix Defence Personnel 5A to 9Matrix Defence Personnel 10 to 11Matrix Defence Personnel 12A to 14