Sanjha Morcha



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The SAD/BJP Govt has taken Punjab in such a State with all alleged issues like Drugs, Land mafias, Liquor Mafia, flourishing of Personal business in all fields and fronts, Criminalisation of society, politicisation of Police force, Sand and bajri Mafia and death of Guru Granth sahib Jee,of  youths and of  farmers due to Loan  which attracts  Vultures from other Sates  ready to pounce upon the dead bodies.

It is beyond comprehension as to why Politicians from other states are coming to Punjab to fight elections. The similar case is of Maj Gen  Satbir Singh the  self proclaimed  hero of OROP. His holding the Jantar Mantar stage till today with his own security Company Employees on daily wages.  No doubts he collected in crores at Jantar Mantar and not ready to provide any account of the Donations collected. He has got addicted to be in News at whatever Cost he can but how far can he keep fooling the ESM for his personal Agenda ,indirectly he wants  to collect Funds on the name of his Faji Janta Party which he declared on 16 Aug 2016.

He was snubbed by Capt. Amarinder Singh for his black mailing demand to give him 25-30  Seats in Punjab and bear the Financial burden also . He claims that he has 50 Lakh votes in Punjab and expected Capt Amarinder Singh to Let him know after meeting with the Congress Core Committee at Delhi on 16 Aug 2016.

Basically being a One track personality as far as Money matters are concerned .He expected Capt Amarinder Singh to Call him up without realising that Capt Amarinder was the Member of Parliament for the second time and had been the Chief Minister of Punjab with 47 years of experience in Politics .It was Capt Amarinder who got him bail from the Punjab and Haryana high Court against the arrest warrants issued against him  but a totally thankless General. Maj Gen Satbir Singh forget his own Promise to Capt Amarinder Singh and did not wait for his response. As usual Maj Gen Satbir Singh  was in hurry and declared at ISSRU on 16 Aug 2016 his formation of FJP. He announced that FJP  will contest 60 seats in Punjab. SO who is fault ?Capt Amarinder Singh or Maj Gen Satbir Singh?. Now he and his team of loyals like Col Balbir Singh  are blaming Capt Amarinder Singh  due to their own fault.

Maj Gen Satbir Singh  forgot the past when  he was not allowed by Ex-RM  Mr Anthony to meet him for 9 years now is the similar case when the RM Mr Parrikar and FM Arun Jately and One Man Reddy Commission who all does not want to see him.

The Press conference was a Flop show  which was  attended by few veteran against his expectations of large Gathering. Saini Hall at ,Chandigarh having capacity above 500 but had approximately 25-30 veterans only. The meet was attended by Veterans from Panchkula and Chandigarh  who no  Voting rights in  Punjab .

The  Whats App Group known as ESM Punjab whose The Group Admin Col MS Bajwa and Col PS  Rangi both from Panchkula. Major Gen Satbir,Col Balbir Singh,Brig Manjit Singh,Brig Harwant and Col Sarai are all members of the same Whats app group.

The FJP is not a Registered Political Party with Election Commission of India. and ESMP group is only a Mobile Group . It Sounds funny to know that veterans of Same Group has emerged a unity among themselves. Again Maj Gen Satbir has made immature decision and making fool of ESM of Punjab. Why meeting was held in Chandigarh instead of Punjab because he feared that ESM will demand receipt of amount collected by him at various rallies in Punjab.










 The Press Conference of Maj Gen Satbir  Singh  did not receive  any coverage from any  News Papers nor  TV Channels . The only pre-written press release by Brig Harwant Singh has  been published in Times of India as above. The Video has been made by Charde Kala TV Channel controlled by Mr Sarana of DSGMC Delhi.  The tall Claim that he has met /Spoke to Kissan union leader of Punjab and will decide whom to support is hollow claim .The Slogan raisd by him in vedio 

JAI JAWAN,JAI KISSAN,JAI NAU JAWAN” seems to be hollow too.

If he can not support Capt Amarinder Singh who is First ESM from heart than why he is playing  dirty Politics  in Punjab.He or FJP has No Mass support, no young blood nor anyone knows about Maj Gen Satbir Singh in Punjab except members of IESM and mostly Gunners. He himself does not have any standing, recognition with Punjab Voters. It only a  haux call. Kissan union is not a Political Outfit but  a mere Sangathan. Will  pay the cost for their support probably he is not aware of the Punjab Politics. He is further degrading himself and all ESM by not supporting  Capt Amarinder Singh  a hard core ESM. It only  reflects his policy of “DIVIDE AND RULE” the ESM community for which he can claim Phd and Doctorate Degree as a the Master of Splits.

He has failed to find candidates for Punjab Elections within FJP and during conference. The Veterans  demanded  financial assistance which he showed his inability. To support a Political Party in election is a after thought as he failed to get candiates from FJP. His main aim is  to divide ESM Votes and black mail political parties. The damage he has done to the respect and dignity of Defence forces at Jantar Mantar will take years for restoration. He has now forgotten OROP Anomalies and 7 CPC issues and chosen Political Field to be in lime light for  collect more funds. Similar is the motive of ESMP Group all  four from Haryana. 

Founder and chairman of the Indian Ex-Servicemen Movement (IESM) Lt General Raj Kadyan (retd) has registered a FIR with the Delhi Police against three governing body members of the ex-servicemen society for alleged financial misappropriation.

In the FIR lodged against Major General (retd) Satbir Singh, Wing Commander (retd) CK Sharma and Group Captain (retd) VK Gandhi at Parliament Street Police station of New Delhi district. Lt General Kadyan (retd) has accused them of taking donations from ex-servicemen and widows without issuing receipts and also not depositing the money in the bank account of the society, during their protest for One Rank One Pension Scheme at Jantar Mantar in June 2015.

Maj Gen Satbir who claims to be face of OROP by agitation at Jantar Mantar has  collected  Donations in Crores and details not known to anyone who and where the amount is kept. As claimed by him that he has put amount in Fixed deposits but on whose Name and who are the Signatories and nominees. What is he going to do with the amount and had also withdrawn is Cash amount of Rs 45 Lakhs or more for which he and his team Wing Commander (retd) CK Sharma and Group Captain (retd) VK Gandhi  have FIR against them.Wing Commander (retd) was arrested as Maj Gen Satbir and Group Captain (retd) VK Gandh,escaped to Chandigarh and  hid  the farm house of Capt Chanann Singh Sidhu and left CK Sharma to be arrested.This is  leadership.

 Gen Satbir is facing following charges:

1. Two court cases for fund misappropriation & mismngt of IESM.

2.  Fir no 71/2016 dt 8/2/16 for fund misappropriation. 

 3. On bail for this FIR.

4.Another FIR No 153/dt 1/9/16 by CBI for funds misappropriation of Jntr Mntr collections. 

5.  Contempt of court, case listed for next dt 16/12/16 at H/C Chd

6 Is he a clean person? He is disgracing/spoiling ESM name?

He is  living in a fools paradise

It is further alleged that one of his close relative probably blood relation was involved  in selling of 200 barrels of Diesel from the unit POL store  of Armoured Regiment and manhandling of Unit JCO. He was removed from post of Commanding officer  and now attached with some Headquarters.

Maj Gen Satbir with his “DIVIDE AND RULE “POLICY he has achieved a lot. The  amount collected in crores  has made him restless. What can he do in Punjab when he has not helped a single widow or attended any of the funeral of the recent Martyrs. He is deceiving all ESM of Punjab .Who will believe him that he can solve Punjab Problems when he has least cared of ESM welfare till date except inflating his donations balance.

He was instrumental in  first split IESM with GEN Kadyan. He  lost election to Signalman sheoran and recreated a new IESM at Pune. He didn’t account for a huge sum of money, over 40  lakhs, for which they are on bail now. Somewhere mentioned another case filed for collection at JM last year. His colleague in the money case has deposed against him the  correspondence with col ANIL KAUL  is in the open book. 

 The Rallies conducted by Maj Gen Satbir at various Location at Punjab ,he only spoke about OROP  and nothing about Punjab Problems the ESM are facing nor he is aware about them. The motive was to show he has massive followers in Punjab to the ruling AKALI /BJP govt and APP.The ESM came and attended his rallies to hear what he has in store for ESM of Punjab in coming elections but he wasted time and effort and financial losses and demoralise ESM of Punjab and no media coverage was there.


Satbir due to his ego problem, adamant attitude as usual not listening to anyone suggestions.He had  not even bother  to speak to   other Organisations of ESM in Punjab and Political ESM Parties , who were ready to support him but he kept himself and his branded fractioned  IESM as supreme. He  never ever accepted invitations for unity from other ESM Organisations but wanted  ESM Parties to fall in line.Now he is knocking at all doors through his trusted  blind faith followers   to get the support for time being with the Aim to  leave them once he achieves his target. Col Balbir Singh is on tour to get support from Jallander,Gurdaspur,Pathankot .

 Maj GenSatbir downfall in Punjab is due to his own selfish ambitions and projection and his unpredictable nature and keep everyone guessing and fear from the core committee members of IESM Delhi, as some are  staunch supporters of BJP. 

 If he is really interested in the welfare of ESM community in Punjab he should support Capt Amrinder Singh as ESM if not the Congress.

 Capt Amrinder Singh  Capt himself wants ESM to reach assembly and if Satbir desires he can get a ticket and one or two of his staunch supporters like Col Balbir Singh.

Hope good sense prevails and he should continue to struggle for OROP and 7 CPC Issues if he really thinks he is the God Father of OROP Agitation. Leave Punjab for capt Amarinder to look after and support him if he wants dividends for ESM of Punjab.