Sanjha Morcha

Russia finding new ways to spread
propaganda videos

DAVID KLEPPER Russia has devised yet another way to spread disin[1]formation about its invasion of Ukraine, using digital tricks that allow its war propaganda videos to evade restrictions imposed by governments and tech companies. Accounts linked to Rus[1]sian state-controlled media have used the new method to spread dozens of videos in 18 different languages, all with[1]out leaving telltale signs that would give away the source, researchers at Nisos, a U.S.- based intelligence firm that tracks disinformation and other cyber threats, said in a report released Wednesday. The videos push Kremlin conspiracy theories blaming Ukraine for civilian casualties as well as claims that residents of areas forcibly annexed by Russia have welcomed their occupiers. English-language versions of the Russian propaganda videos are now circulating on Twitter and lesser-known platforms popular with American con[1]servatives, including Gab and Truth Social, created by former President Donald Trump, giv[1]ing Russia a direct conduit to millions of people. In an indication of the Kremlin’s ambitions and the sprawling reach of its disinfor[1]mation operations, versions of the videos were also created in Spanish, Italian, German and more than a dozen other languages. “The genius of this ap[1]proach is that the videos can be downloaded directly from Telegram and it erases the trail that researchers try to fol[1]low,” Nisos’ senior intelligence analyst Patricia Bailey told The Associated Press. “They are creative and adaptable. And they are analyzing their audience.” The European Union moved to ban RT and Sputnik, two of Russia’s leading state-run me[1]dia outlets, after Russia’s inva[1]sion of Ukraine in late Febru[1]ary. Tech companies such as Google’s YouTube and Meta’s Facebook and Instagram also announced they would ban content from the outlets within the 27-nation EU, undermin[1]ing Russia’s ability to spread its propaganda. Russian attempts to get around the new rules began almost immediately. New websites were created to host videos that make debunked claims about the war. Rus[1]sian diplomats took on some of the work. The latest effort revealed by analysts at Nisos involved uploading propaganda videos to Telegram, a loosely moder[1]ated platform that is broadly popular in Eastern Europe and used by many conservatives in the United States. In some cases, watermarks identify[1]ing the video as RT’s were removed in a further attempt to disguise their source. Once on Telegram, the vid[1]eos were downloaded and reposted on platforms includ[1]ing Twitter without any labels or other indications that the video was produced by Rus[1]sian state media. Hundreds of accounts that later posted or reposted the videos were linked by Nisos researchers to the Russian military, embas[1]sies or state media. Some of the accounts ap[1]peared to use fake profile photos or posted content in strange ways that suggested they were inauthentic. One example: a Twitter account supposedly run by a woman living in Japan that had a singular interest in Rus[1]sian propaganda. Instead of posting about a variety of topics such as entertainment, food, travel or family, the ac[1]count user only posted Rus[1]sian propaganda videos — and not just in Japanese, but also in Farsi, Polish, Spanish and Russian. The account also cited or reposted content from Russian embassies hundreds of times, researchers found, showing again the close relationship between Russian diplomats and the country’s propaganda work. When it comes to Russia’s overall disinformation capabil[1]ities, Bailey said, the network is “just one piece of a puzzle that is quite large.” Twitter labels content that it can identify as coming from Russian state media. Since late February, the company says it’s added labels to more than 900,000 different Tweets that contained links to Russian state outlets like RT. In ad[1]dition, the platform does not artificially promote content from state media accounts. “We use labels to make it clear on Twitter when an ac[1]count is operated by a state actor, such as a state-backed media outlet, and we will not recommend or amplify Tweets from these types of accounts,” a company spokesperson told The AP. PTI I ndia has once again sent out a clear message to Pakistan that there can be no talks without Pakistan dismantling the terrorist infrastructure which it has built over the years and has been using it relentlessly against this country under its pernicious policy of inflicting a thousand cuts. Addressing a rally in Kashmir valley, which was his first since the abrogation of Article 370 in 2019, Union Home Minister Amit Shah bluntly ruled out any dialogue unless Pakistan changed its behaviour and junked the policy of state terrorism. In his speech, Shah said that some people had been suggesting to him that he should talk to Pakistan. But he was clear on this issue. “I don’t want to talk to Pakistan. I would talk to Gujjars and Paharis of Baramulla. I will talk to the youth of Kashmir. They (Pakistan) have spread terrorism here. What good have they done for Kashmir.” Shah used a large part of his 25-minute speech to slam the “three families that have ruled Kashmir for 70 years”. While the BJP leaders have often hit out at the families of Abdullahs and Muftis, it was for the first time that Shah brought Gandhis too in the line of his attack. He said he saw a tweet of Mehbooba (Mufti) ji. She had said that the Home Minister should go back only after giving account of what they have given to Kashmir,” Shah said. “Mehbooba ji, listen with open ears and eyes, what we have done, I will give its account but what you and Farooq (Abdullah) sahib have done, you should give that account later… I have come here to ask you, Mehbooba and Farooq sahib, tell us how much investment has come to Kashmir in 70 years, how many industries have been set up, how many factories have been opened and how many youth have been given employment. (There has been an investment of) only 15,000 crore in 70 years. In three years, Modi ji brought an investment of 56,000 crore”. The Home Minister said the Modi government’s “achieve[1]ment” was to take democracy to the grassroots in J&K. “Before that democracy was limited to 87 legislators, six parliamentarians and three families – Mufti family, Abdul[1]lah family and Gandhi family,” he claimed. “We have taken it to villages, to 30000 panches and sarpanches.” He also subbed the National Conference (NC) as “Abdul[1]lahs and sons” and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) as “Mufti and company”. Shah said that they gave stones and guns in the hands of Kashmiri youth. “Modi ji brought industry here and gave mobiles and laptops in their (youth’s) hands.” He went on to say that there were two models: Modi ji’s model of development, peace and employment and Gupkar model. Gupkar model gave Pulwama attack. Modi model gave a Rs 2,000 crore hospital to Pulwama. Gupkar model gave stones and machine guns in youth’s hands and closed colleges whereas the Modi model gave IIMs, IITs, AIIMS, NIFTs and NEET.” The Home Minister also pointed out that 42,000 people have been killed in J&K due to terrorism since the start of militancy in 1990. “Who is responsible for the deaths of these 42,000 people? The three families, who ruled Kashmir for 70 years, are responsible,” he alleged. “You know the most difficult thing is to shoulder the coffin of your son. 42,000 people have been killed here. Has the son of any leader been killed ever? We want that the fear of separatism should go away from Kashmir, terrorism should go away and Kashmir becomes the paradise of India.” Kashmir was a “hotspot of terrorism” earlier, but had now turned into a “hotspot of tourism” under the BJP dis[1]pensation. In the past, six lakh tourists would visit Kashmir annually,” he said. “I have come here in October – 22 lakh tourists have already visited Kashmir so far this year, and it has given employment to five lakh youth.” Shah listed the developmental works undertaken by the Centre in J&K since 2014 and highlighted the setting up of new medical colleges announced during the Manmohan Singh government, electricity to every village, free health cards to the people among its key achievements. Terrorism in J&K has virtually ended, appealing to its people to join the mainstream. The Modi government wouldn’t tolerate terrorism, he said, exhorting the people to come and join the mainstream and be part of development. SPIRITUAL WORLD DISCLAIMER: The opinions ex[1]pressed in the articles published in these columns are the personal opinions of the authors. The facts and opinions appearing in the articles do not reflect the views of Bright Punjab Express and Bright Punjab Express does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.