Sanjha Morcha

Don’t dare another Kargil, Pak warned

Don’t dare another Kargil, Pak warned

Chief of the Army Staff General Bipin Rawat with a family that lost their kin in the Kargil war in Drass, 160 km east of Srinagar. Amin War

Azhar Qadri

Tribune News Service

Drass (Kargil), July 25

As India commemorated 20 years of Kargil war, Army Chief General Bipin Rawat today warned Pakistan against attempting another such intrusion ever again.

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“Pakistan has been put on the back foot and we will continue to put it on the back foot… My only warning to Pakistan is: Do not ever attempt such a misadventure any time in the future. Anytime, anywhere, do not think of it,” he said, while addressing reporters at Lamochan View Point in Drass. Army is hosting a series of events to commemorate the 20th anniversary of 1999 Kargil war victory. The three-day long celebrations will conclude on Friday.

Calling the Kargil intrusion a “big misadventure” by the Pakistan army, General Rawat said: “I am quite sure that adversary will never attempt this. They (Pakistan) did not appreciate the will and the intent of the Indian political establishment and the Indian armed forces.”

The Army Chief said the enemy would never be “allowed to succeed”. “No matter what heights they capture, we will always get back to them and this was evident during the Kargil war in 1999. They will not dare to repeat it,” he said.

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We are aware of the truth. So, we are not carried away by any statement (by Pak PM that Pulwama attack was indigenous). Our intelligence agencies have given ample proof about what had happened in Pulwama. — General Bipin Rawat, Army Chief